First aid again

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The Poly is real.

Robin practically begged us to go find Steve. But I knew we couldn't help se we pushed on. 11 was more on edge keeping Mike close. Knowing even if things go wrong at least my brother will get out. Hopefully. Maybe we rushed into this. We should have prepared better. But now as I stood at the door of Vecnas house there was no going back. "Are we ready?" I asked to the small group. There was no real reply. Robin was to shaken but still held the pistol I had given her. I checked over my gun before stepping inside the building. It still had the faint smell of burning flesh evident from our previous encounter. Unlike last time there wasn't vines on the stairs. It should be a good thing but I wasn't so sure.


The pain was almost unbearable when I finally landed just by the trailer. The fluffy haired man was barely conscious but was mumbling in a blood loss state. "How are you feeling." I asked hoping for a response. "I'm still kicking." He joked before coughing harshly. I carried him to the trailer and kicked the abandoned door out of my way. I ran up the steps careful not to jostle the man before sharply jolting as I tried to enter the door way. Wings. Mother fucking wings.

"HEY!" I yelled in hoping someone can hear. "I need help!" I announced again.

I could hear them. "Fine I figure this out on my own." I stepped back and assessed my surroundings. I crouched down and lent the damaged boy against my knee. I pulled of my shirt and rolled it into a makeshift pillow. "Okay Stevie I'm going to lay you down I will be right back alright." He protested quietly. "No no please don't leave me." That pulled a heart sting. "I'm not leaving. I'm just getting you some first aid." I stretched out my undamaged wing and used it to break down the weak metal around the now torn door frame. It gave in after multiple bashed and my black blood was now splattered around the door. But I could get in now.

When we made our way over we made sure to bring actual first aid from my house so all I need to do is get through the portal and get it.

I walked over to the portal and looked up. But no one was there. What happened. I know that Dustin was pretty critical but these fuckers better not have done anything stupid.

I flapped my stupid mangled wings and climbed through the portal falling into the real world again. I got up easily and began to search around. Then the door opened and I was met with a very surprised Will. He looked like a deer in head lights. "Don't freak out its me. Real me."

"You almost killed Dustin." He said slightly fearful. "Yes I know and now I'm trying to make sure I don't almost kill Steve." I said beginning to look around. My tail was smacking things of shelves as I searched around but I'm sure Eddie won't mind. "You have wings... and a tail."

"Guessing nothing like this happened to you huh kid?"

"I threw up a slug." I looked a him in confusion then disgust. "Delightful."

I found the box of supplies I had packet and snatched it up. "Okay kid are either of the other adults here?"

"They should be back soon. Eddie had to take Dustin and Jonathan to the ER."

"Okay fuck... You'll do."

"Ill do what?"

"Come here, you going to help me save a mans life." I lifted him up easily and hoisted him up to the portal which I then threw the medical box through the once again flapped pitifully into the portal and fell though. Which fucker cut the rope is my question. That would be my idiot boyfriend wouldn't it.

I was stitching his chest as will cleaned the other wounds. "Really did a number on him didn't I." I joked as I tied off the last stitch on the biggest area. "It wasn't you though." I mean a little bit. But I'll keep that to myself.

He also had a wound across his forehead which I moved to next it was deep. I pushed his hair back to get a better look. Should only need 3 stitches. How was his hair so fluffy. "Do you know what he does to his hair." He looked at me confused. "Fluffy." My response didn't help his confusion.

"Seriously though this man is beautiful what does he do." I said laughing. "Didn't know you thought I was beautiful." Steve's voice came scratchy. "If it helps your ego Eddie thinks so to."

"Yeah sure."

I tied of the stich and he barely flinched. "Okay big boy. We are going to try to get you out now you wont bleed everywhere."

"What no we need to help the others." He said attempting to sit up before wheezing harshly and laying back down. "Or hear me out. You can stop. Let someone else be the babysitter." I said patting his shoulder.

wubba bub bub. See yah

A Good Ending (Eddie Munson x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now