The Mistake

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Before you start this chapter I want you all to know that there is a reason Andrea gets overwhelmed so easily its not her being dramatic, okay bye bye now enjoy

"Who is she texting?" Lauren asked Norah as we were sitting in the cafeteria for lunch. "I honestly have no idea, could be, you know who" I looked at them over the rim of my phone "You don't have to address him like he is Voldemort or something".

"yeah but saying his name in a full cafeteria might not be the best option seeing as you already had three people come up to you to ask if it was really you spotted with Timothée" I put my phone down and nodded at that. "fair point" I mumbled, she was right there had been people asking me If it was real, to which I lied of course, saying that it was just a girl who looked like me, I don't know how they believed it seeing as I was wearing a bright pink cast which was also very much visible in the picture.

"well? Was it him?" Lauren asked as we fell silent. I nodded at that, I had been texting with Timothée almost nonstop since last night, we have the same energy and it is really fun talking with him.

"That's actually so cute, is he funny?" Norah asked excitedly, she was quite the fan. "yeah he is, he is also pretty awkward, so I don't have to be embarrassed about being awkward myself" She smiled at that, knowing I had some trouble with being made fun of the awkwardness.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw a group of girls approaching. I thought to myself 'Here we go again' but then I noticed that the three girls I had already talked to were among that group. "you lied" a girl whose name I think was Rebecca accused, she was one of the girls I had talked to earlier. "excuse you?" Lauren quickly stepped in knowing how I reacted to being attacked by multiple people at once. "look Timothee reacted to your tweet, it was him you were playing the games with, it was you in the picture, look at the cast" another girl said and showed me a screenshot from Twitter before swiping right showing me the pap picture. There was no use in denying it was me. "yes it was me" I simply stated, they didn't have to know any other details.

Having said that, I think I broke the dam holding back the questions because they were being fired at me one after another. My eyes shot from girl to girl each one a bit louder than the other to be heard.

"are you dating timmy?"

"how did you meet"

"can you get an autograph for me?"

"why would timmy date you?"

"they are probably just friends"

"Timothee wouldn't date someone like her"

The questions went into them mocking me. my hand went to the necklace around my neck fiddling with the charm trying to distract myself while they asked the questions. I was so overwhelmed by it all that I didn't notice Lauren and Norah were trying to interfere but were now the ones being yelled at.

I flinched as I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see my English teacher holding a hand out for me. I took it and she started leading me out of the now buzzing cafeteria, I shot a glance over my shoulder to see the principal with Norah, Lauren and the growing group of girls. The sounds and voices mingled together in my brain to make one big mush of noise that was too loud. I gripped miss Runnel's hand a little tighter just to assure myself she was still there as I let her lead me into her classroom.

"it's a bit quieter in here" she smiled at me letting me sit down at one of the desks. She sat down behind her own desk and let me calm down on my own for a few minutes. Miss Runnel was one of the few teachers who knew about how I was, and who always kept an eye out for me. I really appreciated that.

"can you tell me why they were surrounding you?" she asked carefully as my breathing regulated. "they wanted to know something," I said vaguely, she wasn't buying it. "I posted something on Twitter and someone famous commented on it and now they're asking all these questions and assuming all these things when I never even talked to them before all this" I rambled not meeting her eyes.

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