pissed off

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We went to meet up with my management a few days later. but they said they also didn't know how it could've happened. In those few days between Andy didn't dare to go outside.

Andy was feeling really bad now, the incident had been in the newspaper this morning, The picture was blurred out due to sensitive content but it was there nonetheless.

It had thrown Andy right into another panic attack. Her parents had called and so did her brother. Lauren and Norah had stayed the night the day we found out so they could be there for their best friend.

"I need a breath," Andy told the group sitting around the table, the leaked pictures displayed on the board as they were discussing the situation which was making both Andy and I very uncomfortable.

I walked Andy out of the room and I could tell she was starting to hyperventilate again. "let's go outside for a bit I think you could use some fresh air" I offered and she agreed.

I held her hand as we walked out of the building, even though the summer heat was still there, Andy was wearing one of my hoodies. It made her feel safe and she felt more comfortable in something that hid her body. It hurt me to see her hideaway like this and I could only hope that with time she would start to feel better. She didn't deserve this.

We walked down the street which luckily wasn't that busy so we were left alone. "want me to distract you?"

"yes please" Andy softly smiled up at me and so I started talking about the movie I was shooting now. The filming started the day after we got back from our vacation. I was excited to be back at work.


Suddenly Andy came to a halt making me stop walking and talking along with her. She stared at something in the racks of the store we had passed.

It was a stand outside a drug store filled with magazines. Andy's hand slipped from mine as she walked over to it. With shaky hands, she grabbed one of the many gossip magazines.

They all had us as the headline story.

Andy was frozen for a few seconds as she stared at the magazine in her hands until she shot into motion ripping all the magazines that had us on the cover from the stand gathering them up into her arms and stomping inside. "ANDY!" I yelled running after her. "What are you doing?!"

The woman behind the cash register looked up at the commotion and her eyes widened as she saw who had just stormed into her store.

Andy dropped the many magazines she was holding onto the counter. "throw these away you are not selling these" she demanded coldly.

"I beg your pardon miss" the woman scoffed "you can't just barge into my store and demand me to stop selling my products"

"those are my tits on the cover so I can very well demand you to not profit off of my body" andy hissed.

"miss I'm going to ask you to leave my store" the woman ordered.

I could see Andy's jaw twitch as she gave the woman a death stare. "you know what, Fine! Have it your way bitch" she spat gathering up the magazines again and storming back outside, grabbing a bottle of liquor from the rack we passed and taking that with her as well. I hopelessly followed but not before flipping the woman off.

"HEY get back here!" the woman yelled going to run after us I swiftly turned around blocking her way.

"Don't you dare come any closer to her" I gritted out.

This seemed to do the trick because the woman was frozen in place allowing me to fully run after Andy.

She was making her way to the nearest trash can and dumped all the magazines in it. She turned around and looked the woman from the store dead in the eye as she unscrewed the bottle of liquor taking a big gulp before pouring the rest of it into the trash can. Next she took her Zippo from her pocket which she had because she had started stress smoking.

She kept her gaze as she flipped it open lighting the flame and proceeding to drop it into the bin which went up into flames.

The store owner screamed in horror.

"let's go back now shall we? I think I've had enough fresh air" Andy casually stated as she walked past me to get back to the office. I stared at her in amazement. The woman yelling behind us saying that she was calling the police shook me out of my trance and I quickly ran off after my girlfriend.

Andrea wasn't one to get mad very often at least not outwardly. But when you've pissed her off, oh boy is she pissed off.

Breaking news! Security cam footage of Andrea Barnes lighting up a trash can filled with magazines 


here to remind you all that Andy is a bad bitch 

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