Look at me

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I woke up feeling hair tickle my lips. I was still half asleep to notice much more than that but as I began to wake up I realised that the heat beneath me wasn't coming from my matress and the weight on my back couldn't have been my duvet. I was laying on someone's chest completely, their arms wrapped securely around me, our legs intertwined, Timothee.

I opened my eyes a bit to be met with the cook of his neck and soft brown curls. I nuzzled a bit more into him I couldn't help it. I felt his hand move up and down my back notifying me that he was awake as well. I moved to sit up, straddling his thighs. I moved my hair out of my face and looked down at him. He was only wearing his boxers, his light abs on show, the morning sun shining on his chest. I couldn't help but stare at him for a moment.

He smiled at me "good morning" his voice was raspy due to just waking up and I loved it. "God I embarrassed myself didn't I?" I asked thinking about last night, I remembered Timothee carrying me and then me begging him to stay.

"It was cute" he said with a small smile I shook my head in disbelief before getting off his lap. "Breakfast?" I asked and he nodded stretching out his muscles. I checked the time on my phone seeing that it was already twelve O'clock "or well, lunch" I mumbled showing Timmy the time.

I walked into the kitchen and timothee followed, in only his boxers? Oh wait I'm wearing his shirt, oops. "Do you want your shirt back or?" I asked and he shrugged leaning against the counter "I'm okay if you are" I nodded and continued my way to the fridge forcing my eyes to leave his body. "eggs on toast with orange juice?".

This Wednesday would be the premiere of the little woman movie in New York, the morning after we would fly out to Paris to go to the movie premiere there and I was both excited and nervous. Excited because I loved the first version of the movie and I read the book when in my teens loving it. I was also nervous because I would be attending with Timothee as his plus one, walking the red carpet with him.

Louise had already picked out outfits for me to match with timothee on a certain level. Later today Timothee and I would have a fitting at her studio.

We ate the breakfast I made together before getting dressed – I took a quick shower as well- and going over to timmy's place so he could change in some new clothes. The same driver as yesterday came to pick us up. "Morning John!" I greeted with a smile "morning Andrea! How are you feeling?" He asked with a knowing look. "Surprisingly good, had a headache when waking up but nothing some painkillers and breakfast couldn't fix".

John took us to Timmy's apartment where I let myself fall face first onto his couch with a groan. "Can I marry your couch it's so comfortable" I asked Timothee who let out a chuckle as he started walking to his room.

It was bright outside, no rain, and only a few clouds I walked over to one of the lounge seats closer to the window and sat down to look outside while waiting for Timothee. God I loved this view, from my apartment you could only see the streets below and the building across.

I was so engrossed in the view that I didn't notice Timothee sneaking up on me. "WAAH!" He screamed grabbing my shoulders. I shot up with a loud shriek and hit him out of reflex. I clutched my hand over my heart taking deep breaths as Timmy burst out laughing. "What the hell Timmy!" I swatted his arm. "Oh that was worth the hit" he chuckled before wrapping his arms around me as an apology rocking me from side to side a bit.

"I get scared easily" I mumbled "yeah I found that out as well" I chuckled before pulling back a bit to look at him, his hair was damp from the shower he had taken and he smelled like.. vanilla. Did Timothee use vanilla shampoo?

"Whatcha looking at?" He asked making me realise I had been staring. "You" I answered no use in lying because he obviously knew the answer already and just wanted to point it out to me.

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