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Six years later.

Timothee and I kept everything private, we never even posted our wedding pictures. I announced the marriage by changing my social media handles from @Andrea.Barnes to @Andrea.Chalamet and that was that from me.

Timothee posted a picture from the met gala when I had been wearing a wedding dress with the caption. "the only wedding dress you will see my wife wear, but let me tell you she looked even better in her real wedding dress"

And now here I am six years after Timothee came to find me in San Francisco, waking up from the noise coming from the kitchen downstairs. Timothee and I have moved out of our apartment and into a home where we had the space to possibly start a family.

Grow old with me – tom odell

I sat up in bed and stretched my arms over my head while looking around the room. Today was my 27th birthday and I was a bit bummed to wake up alone but with the noise coming from downstairs I knew where Timothee was.

I got up out of bed wanting to check in on my husband, I still couldn't believe it, Timothee has been my husband for five years, and time flies.

I tiptoed down the stairs and made my way into the living room, a smile immediately made its way to my face at the sight I was seeing before me.

"again, again" Milo and Darcy, our four-year-old twins chanted while sitting on the kitchen island counter. Timothee was in front of them holding a pan, flipping the pancake up in the air and catching it with a plate that he was holding in his other hand.

The twins busted out in loud giggles and I could see Timothee smile brightly as well as he put the pan down and turned out the fire. "well my little loves I think it's time to decorate them now don't you think?" he asked moving over to the kitchen island picking up both toddlers at the same time to set them on the little steps in front of the counter so they could decorate the pancakes.

"I wanna make a flower" Milo beamed up at his father reaching for the bowl of cut fruits.

"I wanna make a smiley face" Darcy said determinedly holding out the can of whipped cream towards Timothee.

"want me to help?" Timothee chuckled taking the can from his daughter who nodded while Milo concentrated on lining up the pieces of vegetables on his pancake.

I decided I didn't want to ruin their surprise and left the room again, it brought me a sense of déjà vu to the time when TImothee tried to surprise me with breakfast in bed back when we had just started dating.

I climbed back in bed and patiently waited for the pattern of small footsteps and the sound of hushed giggles.

I tried to hide my smile in my pillow as I could hear the twins debating on which birthday song to sing while Timothee told them to keep their plates steady while walking up the stairs.

"Happy birthday to you" they started singing together as soon as they entered the room. The twins both had giddy smiles on their faces each holding up a plate with their self-decorated pancakes.

I cooed at the sight and reach to take the plates from them so they could climb onto the bed with me. When they finished their song they flung themselves at me to give me a big hug.

"Happy birthday mumma"


Later that day my family came around for dinner like they had done each year. "happy birthday Andy!!" my little sisters exclaimed when they walked into the room.

Gabi and Esme were now fourteen and Twelve and Gabi was almost as tall as I was now.

As soon as Milo and Darcy heard them they came running over. Gabi and Esme were both so good with the twins, always up to play with them even when playing with dolls or drawing in coloring books isn't cool anymore when you're their age.

"Mumma made us new walls do you wanna see?!" Milo asked excitedly. I was still running my mural business and had changed up the murals on the kids' walls recently since they were getting older and now had their own interests.

Darcy had a princess and the frog themed wall, she took after her aunt with that. Esme was still proud of pulling that off, making Darcy as big of a fan of the princess as she was.

Milo loved flowers and animals so that's what his wall was covered in.

Soon after my family had arrived the doorbell rang again. I shot Timothee a confused look, we weren't suspecting anyone else to come around. Timothee just shrugged and went back to cooking leaving me to open the door.

"Congratulations!!" the two women at the door yelled and I burst into tears as soon as I saw them.

"oh my god you came all the way here for me?!" I cried into Norah and Lauren's arms.

"did you really think we would miss your birthday?" Norah asked with a cocked eyebrow "Besides we have someone we would like you to meet" She stepped aside to show the pram behind her.

I gasped and clasped my hands in front of my mouth. "Meet little Casper" Lauren said proudly reaching into the wagon to pick up their baby son.

I smiled through my tears as she handed him over to him. "hi there, oh you're such a pretty boy, hi" I cooed booping the little boy on his nose making him giggle.

I gave my two best friends a watery smile, this was the best birthday gift they could've given me.

"what are you guys standing outside for, come on in," Timothee said stepping into the hallway.

"you knew?" I gasped turning to him.

"of course I knew love" He smiled placing a kiss on my cheek before going to greet Norah and Lauren.

I walked into the living room still holding Casper, my mother shot up from the couch as soon as she saw us. "is that-" she gasped cutting herself off and walking over to take a look at Casper.

"it is" Norah confirmed from the doorway, at the sound of her voice my mother rushed over and tackled her in a hug just like I had done.

Upon hearing the noise from downstairs Milo, Darcy, Esme and Gabi came running down the stairs to see what was going on.

Norah and Lauren both turned around from where they were standing in the center of the living room as the four kids came rushing into the room to greet them. They both gasped and exclaimed how much they had all grown.

Once everyone had greeted everyone the twins and my sisters noticed the baby I was holding in my arms. Both Lauren and Norah were holding hands with one of the twins and guided them over to where I was sitting.

"kids, meet Casper our son," Lauren told them.

Gabi and Esme got to hold him first since they were older and didn't need much explaining, having held the twins enough times when they were babies.

The twins sat down next to one another on the couch and Norah helped them while they held Casper.

I walked over to stand next to Timothee who immediately wrapped his arms around me. "look at them, look at us all, we made it Timothee, we made a life for ourselves" I whispered looking out over all the people in our living room.

This was our home, with drawings the kids made hanging on the fridge, an old bookcase filled with children's books at the bottom and books for Timothee and I above, with the top shelf lined with awards Timothee won and my graduation certificate.

Pictures of our family hung on the walls along with paintings I have made.

There were toys littering the corner of the living room and our cat was lazing in the windowsill.

This was our home.

"I love you, toujours" Timothee whispered, leaning down to kiss me.

The end

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