My heart is yours so take it

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Okay so, this chapter is not the reason I named this book chasing pavements. I have two reasons for it lol A is revealed later in the book and B the song by Adele, it fits them so well and added it into this chapter so this is just to clear up any confusion

With that being said, I rewrote this chapter four times FOUR, I just couldn't figure it out, I'm still not completely happy ab it but I knew that if I rewrote it again I would keep rewriting and never be happy so this is it.

Chasing pavements- adele
I've made up my mind
Don't need to think it over
If I'm wrong I am right
Don't need to look no further
This ain't lust I know this is love

But if I tell the world I'll never say enough
Cus it was not said to you
And that's exactly what I need to do

If I end up with you
Should I give up?
Or should I just keep chasing pavements
Even if it leads no where

Or would it be a waste
Even if I knew my place
Should I leave it there

I had completely  thought over my plan. It has been on my mind for days now and I couldn't just keep chasing pavements I had to know where we stand. Originally I wanted to wait it out, it was too soon.

We've only known eachother for a couple of months, I couldn't really be in love yet now could I?

But hell I could, I could be in love already because I am in love already. From the start Timmy and I clicked. I've never felt so comfortable with someone from the start.

From the start he made me feel safe and wanted. Even when he is the world known celebrity a lot of girls and guys are in love with. But no one was in love with him in the way I was.

Because none of them knew what his hands felt like when they held yours, or knew what his voice sounded like when he just woke up. Or what his lips felt like on their lips, they didn't know.

So yes I was so madly and deeply in love with him. Call me dramatic but it's true

I couldn't wait much longer, I was bursting at the seems, almost slipping up on multiple occasions. Almost saying those three words.

And so I had come up with a plan, a stable plan that allowed me to tell him I loved him without just uttering the three words.

My hands trembled and my heart was ramming in my chest as I sat across from him with the closed sketchbook in my lap.

"I told you a while back that 'one day I'll show you my imperfections'" I took a deep breath and Timothee noticed my trembling hands he took them in his and made me look at him.

"Take your time" he assured me and I nodded my eyes landing on the bracelet on my wrist. I started taking in deep breaths and it helped me calm down a little.

"I meant that as showing you my unfinished non perfect sketches, but I also showed you one of my imperfections by telling you I'm autistic" I started explaining "I don't see your autism as an imperfection, its just something that makes you, you" he whispered squeezing my hand.

And even when it was scary I knew for sure now more than ever that I had to tell him.

"There are some things written in that book between the sketches, poems, rants, and memories, drawing is my coping mechanism, and giving you this is like giving you a piece of my heart"

Chasing pavements | Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now