Chapter 1

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"Keep your wand on you at all times", he stopped and gave her a pointed look, "and don't rest it on the table. That's how he got away last time."

Wren rolled her eyes and nodded, giving him a small hum in understanding. The man James sighed and ran a hand down his face.

"This was the fourth time he has escaped in two weeks. You're our last hope considering he rejected all of the last doctors that came to see him."

She inhaled deeply at the thought and just gave him a tight lipped smile, making her way to the room he was in. She knew who the man behind that door was- he had been in search for something his whole life which had him end up in this place.

Wren had heard he had been so angry with all of the doctors every single time when they had gone to see him because they acted as if he was sick. She didn't know if he was truly sick in the head but she guessed she was going to find out.

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door softly and closed it behind her without taking her eyes off him. She didn't know if when she turned around he was going to pounce at her and try to hurt her.

He had his head down with his hands fisting his hair in frustration. She guessed he was so tired of all of these meetings with random people. But it had to be done after he did something unforgivable and they finally caught him.

The man- Draco had killed someone she was very fond of. And here she was coming face to face him.

What was even more painful was her coming home to find the body. Her boyfriend Adrian had been choking on blood as he laid on the floor with blood still gushing out of his neck wound. He had told her it was Draco and she immediately recoiled and sat down on the floor in shock as she stared at Adriens dead figure who had died a second after he told her.

She had known Draco back at Hogwarts. He was known as the most heartless boy in the whole school as he always gave dirty and emotionless looks to everyone he laid his eyes on.

Not to her though. He had always gave her a deep dark look that had her looking away instantly. She was one of the only girls who actually cared about her future and didn't care about what others thought about her. She knew that if she didn't study, her future would be ruined.

Spending her times at the library really helped her out in the job she has today. She wasn't a healer or anything like everyone had thought she was going to be. She had thought about being a doctor for an asylum in the muggle world which is why she was here today.

Moving towards the chair in on the other side of the desk, she sat down and gripped her clipboard tightly. Her hands were cold as she remembered Adriens dead body on the floor.

She cleared her throat and adjusted herself on the seat, watching as he kept his eyes cast downwards in no care. He was mumbling profanities under his breath about how he didn't need any professional help.

"I know you might be tired of all of these meetings with doctors but I need you to cooperate with me." He immediately lifted his head up at her words, his eyes widened as he looked at her.

"Wren-", he made a move to shift forward making her scoot her chair back slightly in fear. He might've been cuffed to the table but he was also cuffed when he broke out of the asylum those other four times.

"It's Ms. Moore to you." He kept looking at her with shock, his hands trying to inch forward to her even though they couldn't get any closer.

"How are you feeling today Mr. Malfoy?" A half lipped smile broke out on his face as he took her in. "I'm feeling very good now that you're here.."

She clenched her jaw at his words and rolled her eyes, getting up without another word. She was about to walk out when his hurried voice spoke out into the quiet room.

"Alright I'll- I'll speak just don't leave." She looked back to see him with a panicked expression, confusion filling her mind.

He was acting so weird around her. With the other doctors he acted to violent but with her it was as if they were lovers. She sat down and stayed with her chair scooted back, her face hardening as she tried to keep her emotions at bay.

"Why did you kill him?" She asked sternly. He sighed and looked down at the table, his shoulders slumping slightly. He just stayed quiet, feeling her hard eyes on him.

Anger was filling her veins as he stayed quiet, her hands tightening on the clipboard. "It seems like we're all done here. I'll tell them to take you back to where you were."

He tried to move forward once again as she stood up without looking at him, walking towards the door without stopping.

"Don't you dare leave me Wren-!" His voice was loud and pained as she ignored him and opened the door, nodding at the man who was waiting for her command to take him back.

Draco's voice was raising by the second as he called out for her, anger clear in his tone. The man walked in to take him, others following after when they saw him fight to get away.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING LEAVE ME-", she looked at him through the slit of the door, her breath hitching as she looked at his eyes darken as he stared at her while fighting.

A guard looked at her as he tried to contain Draco and nodded forward, telling her to leave. "Go!" She moved back and turned around, sparing him one glance behind her back and watching him jolt forward to her as she left the place, his voice echoing though the walls.


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