Chapter 19

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"Where?!" Wren spoke with undying excitement, her hands pressing against the couch as she sat with her knees on the soft cushion. He rolled his eyes at her excitement, a small smile threatening to appear.

"Nowhere. We're not going." She pleaded from behind, watching as he started pulling out the uncooked meat and pasta, letting her know they weren't going to the ball they were invited to.

Draco had gotten an invite from old friends, knowing he was going to receive it. He was a bit shocked at first when he got it, not expecting them to know his location, but relaxed when he remembered how close they were back at Hogwarts. Back then, they were like the family he never had.

He had thought about it, but ended up thinking it was a bad idea. One wrong move and he would be completely exposed to everyone wanting to capture him.

Of course Wren had to find it before he threw it away. She had swooped past him and grabbed the first letter he had ever received in the last month, reading it to see if it was someone saying they found him. She calmed down when she noticed it wasn't, but was excited to attend the dinner in the paper.

It requieres a masquerade mask to enter so she didn't think it would be a bad idea to show up when no one would see their faces.

"People wouldn't even see our faces! Besides it's your old friends birthday party slash ball. How could you not attend?" He ignored her and continued pulling out the other foods to make, hearing her grumble a under her breath.

"Fine. Ignore me then." She stood up and walked up the stairs, going into her room and slamming the door shut. He growled lowly, thinking over the risks.

No one would see their faces, and the only ones who would find out they were really there was Pansy, Blaise, and Theodore. He sighed and sealed the beef with Saran Wrap, putting the luckily unopened box of pasta back into the cabinet.

After cleaning up completely he went up the stairs slowly, opening the door to her room to hear the shower running. He had to shower as well, so why not join her? He walked silently into the shower, removing his clothes and opening the glass door.

He slid his hands to the front of her waist making her jump slightly but still ignore him. He bent down to her shoulder, kissing it softly as he rubbed shapes onto her waist.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you, love." She hummed, tilting her head back into the crook of his neck.

"Don't do it again." He kissed up her jaw and hovered his mouth over ear.

"Are you still interested in going to the ball?" She turned around, her eyes shining as water dripped from her hair and body.

"Yes-! I need to go get ready." She was about to walk out of the shower until he gripped the back of her neck, bringing her back to him. He kept her still, grazing his lips against hers.

"You will stay by my side the whole time we are there. If you need to go use the bathroom you have to let me know, understand?" She nodded, her eyes fluttering as she looked up at him with doe eyes.

"Understand?" He spoke more sternly, his hand tightening on the back of her neck. She sucked on his bottom lip slightly, his unmoving eyes still on hers.

"Yes, sir. I understand." She leaned in and dragged his lip out, a groan leaving his lips as she trailed her hand down to his thighs, her touch almost on his cock. She grinned and pushed him back, his grip falling from her neck as she opened the glass door and walked out.

Looking down with a growl, he watched his cock visibly throb at her mere touch. He tilted his head back, turning the shower cold to calm his erection down.

"Fucking tease." He mumbled, hearing a cocky chuckle and the door opening as she walked out from the bathroom.


Draco knocked on the big door, looking to the side and seeing Wren gaping at everything around her. Blaise's manor was always his favorite. It sometimes gave him the chills from how quiet it could be. It was completely black, the only color being the gems on the door which were red.

"It looks so beautiful- like a vampires castle." He smiled at her, kissing her temple as he heard the door open. Theodore stood at the door with a black mask ,golden streaks and gems decorating it. His face serious, his eyes cold until he saw who was outside.

"Malfoy! You haven't changed a bit." He hugged him tightly, talking about how much stuff he had missed. His eyes adverted to her nervous figure, a   wide grin growing on his face.

"Ah so you're the girl that has got him wrapped around your finger." He pulled out his hand, gripping hers and kissing the top of it. She gulped and looked at his every move, inhaling deeply as she took in how he was looking at her.

"That's enough Theodore. How about you let us inside now." Draco wrapped his arm around her waist tightly, keeping her against his side. Theodore lifted his hands in surrender, moving to the side to let them go through.

Wren looked around as they got inside, it being even more beautiful than the outside. She was quickly snapped out of her trance when another man stood in front of her, greeting Draco with another hug.

Draco moved his hand back to her waist, smiling at the man in front of them both. "Wren this is Blaise, the birthday boy."

Blaise rolled his eyes playfully, smiling slightly. She pulled out her hand with a wide smile. "Happy Birthday, Blaise." He looked her up and down, humming and looking back at Draco with a knowing look.

"Thank you, Wren. I appreciate it." She pressed her hands back onto her abdomen, bowing her head slightly as he walked away. She looked to Draco who was looking at her with intensity making her gulp and just move forward, looking around the huge room.

She hadn't noticed she had left his side, not even caring as she stared up at the ceiling. Her black and red mask made her have to lift her head up even more to see the beautiful chandeliers hanging in every room.

A body bumped into hers, her eyes immediately turning down to see who she crashed into. "Shit- sorry." The raven haired women spoke, Wren giving her a queasy smile and giving her some space.

"It's fine- it was my fault. I was distracted." The woman took a brief look at her covered face, a loud gasp leaving her lips once she saw the eyes his best friend wouldn't shut up about back at Hogwarts. Wren just stared at her, fumbling with her fingers as she the woman's face stayed in shock.

"You're Wren aren't you?" She nodded, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. She has never seen that woman before so she had no idea how she knew who she was. "Yes but- how do you know who I am?"

She chuckled and rolled her eyes through her purple mask, putting her hand on her hip. "I can't believe Draco hasn't told you about me. Little shit." She mumbled the last part, shaking her head and pulling her hand out.

"Pansy Parkinson." Wren shook her hand, giving her a tight lipped smile. She thought about what she had said about her and Draco and retreated her hand, crossing them over her chest.

"Where's Draco now?" Wren clenched her jaw and pointed to a random room, seeing people in there. "The last time I saw him was in that room." Pansy smiled and left to the room, Wren raising an annoyed brow and making her way to another room.

Of course she knew Draco wasn't in there. She wasn't going to lead her where he was for them to meet up and want to sleep together. Her jaw ticked at the thought as she inhaled deeply, trying to convince herself that nothing was going to happen between them.

She saw someone walk out of a small room, knowing it was the bathroom. She walked in, shutting the door after her and mumbling profanities under her breath.

"Whatever- they can fuck I don't care." A knock came from the door, an annoyed groan leaving her lips.

"Busy!" she yelled out, the person knocking again even harsher. She ran her hand through her hair, turning around and opening the door angrily.

"I said it's fucking busy-", she was cut off with a hand to her throat, her breath hitching at the grip. Draco was stood in front of her, anger clear in his features.

"Mind repeating that, darling?"

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