Chapter 16

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Wren was laying vulnerable under him as he looked at every inch of her body with growing lust. He grabbed her underwear by the top and ripped it off, keeping her legs spread with his knee.

Draco's eyes were trailed on her soaked pussy, seeing it clench around nothing in desperation. He hummed with a smirk and trailed his fingers to her slit, wanting nothing more than to watch her cum repeatedly and stain every inch of his sheets.

A sudden knock was heard at the door, Wrens eyes widening as she watched him keep on touching her. "Draco there's- there's someone at the door." His fingers touched her juices, a low sigh leaving his lips at the feeling of them dripping down his fingers. She bit her lip to contain her moans, her voice coming out struggled.

"Go get the door, Draco-." He growled lowly and removed his fingers from her pussy, licking them and getting off the bed. He only slid his dress pants back on and opened the door, giving her naked body another glance. She could see him try to adjust his bulge as he walked down to the door.

She sat up and got up, groaning at the wet feeling in between her legs. She walked to her room, her legs wobbly as she looked for some other clothes. She found a deep purple sun dress, loving how beautiful it was. She slid it on, not even bothering to put on some other panties and making her way out the room and down the stairs.

Hushed chatter was heard as she tiptoed around, not wanting to get caught.

"What the fuck do you want? We agreed for you to never show unless I urgently needed you." She heard a deep chuckle, her eyebrows furrowing at the cocky sound.

"So I'm not allowed to see my mate's girl? How rude." Draco growled lowly and whispered something even lower that she couldn't hear, her feet walking her down even further.

A gasp left her lips as she looked at the other person in the living room, her eyes wide as they both turned to look at her.

"J-Jonathan?" He smirked at her, Wrens body stunned as she looked at the guy she had met at the beach. He wasn't acting like he was when they talked- had he known all this time Draco had planned to take her.

"This is the Jonathan you talked about?" Draco seethed through this teeth, his expression dark as he looked at Jonathan.

"So I was talked about? I guess you really did like me." Draco pulled out a pocket knife from his pants, Wren slightly backing up. She didn't feel it when she took his pants off, so he must've grabbed it on his way out of the room.

"Get the thought of her out of your filthy mind." Jonathan smirked wider and looked towards her, looking her up and down.

"I don't know Malfoy.. I think I might enjoy touching myself with the thought of her-." Draco opened the pocket knife in a second, ready to plunge it into his neck.

"Stop it Draco!" He looked back at her quickly, his eyes wide with anger. "Don't kill him- he's not worth you getting another kill on your record." He kept looking at her, trying to calm down and actually consider not murdering him in that second.

She looked at him sternly, not knowing if he would actually listen to her after Jonathan said those things about her. "Don't. Do. It."

"Awe is Malfoy a little cunt for the girl-?"

"Shut the fuck up before I kill you myself." She growled out, her anger rising. Jonathan shut up at the look on her face, her jaw clenched tightly as she adverted her eyes to Draco.

"Let him go." He removed his grip on him, looking him up and down with disgust. Jonathan left without another word, mumbling incoherent words.

The second the door shut, she speed walked towards him, bringing him down for a rough kiss. He bit her lip into the kiss, groaning at the taste of her blood. He mumbled a low 'jump' against her lips as he gripped the underside of her thighs, wrapping them around his waist.

He walked up the stairs while trying his best to kiss her but focus to not make them fall, it being hard with her kissing and biting his jaw. She moved her kisses to his neck, sucking on it softly like he does to her.

Licking up his neck afterwards, she yelped when he threw her on his bed and quickly crawled On top of her. He connected their lips, a moan leaving hers as he trailed his hand to her covered waist.

"Please don't rip this dress- I really like it." He chuckled against her lips, slowly removing the straps of the dress and sliding it down her body.
He looked down at her naked pussy, clenching his jaw as he thought about her being like this when Jonathan was present.

"Fucking whore. Leaving your drenched pussy out for others to see." She whimpered softly as he moved his head down to her thighs, kissing the inner part. She tilted her head back, his fingers digging into her flesh making her look down at him.

"Eyes on me." She nodded and kept looking at his teasing figure, her eyes threatening to shut as he got close to her core. His hot breath was hitting her aching pussy, his lips hovering over the desired spot.

His lips connected with her clit, a loud moan leaving her lips, he licked her up and down, swirling his tongue into her folds. Her legs shook on each side of his head as she muffled a cry, a low groan leaving his lips as he moved his tongue faster.

She taste so addicting he could eat her out and taste her juices forever. He gripped her thighs tighter, putting his tongue into her tight hole as he dug his nose into her clit. She cried out as she moved her hands to his hair, tugging on it roughly. He moaned against her pussy, the vibrations sending pleasure wracking through her body.

"Cum in my mouth, darling." A cry left her lips at his husky voice as she came on his tongue, her legs tightening on the sides of his head. He slurped all of her juices, growling at the taste.

He came up to her face, his chin glistening with her cum. She leaned up and licked it off, moving her lips from his chin to his and sucking his bottom lip to clean it from her juices. He groaned at the action, his breath hitching as she looked into his eyes innocently.

Fisting her hair in his grasp, she gasped as he pulled her even closer and kissed her roughly. She moved with his lips as he shoved his tongue into her mouth. She could taste herself as he swirled his tongue into every inch of her mouth, her breathing heavy as she tried to breath into the intensity of the kiss.

Pushing her down onto the bed, he separated their lips and looked down at her naked figure, wanting to keep that image imprinted in his mind forever. She blushed deeply as he looked back to her face, biting her lip. He leaned down and kissed her neck, keeping his head nuzzled into it.

"Draco?" She spoke softly. He hummed into her neck, letting her know he was listening.

"I was wondering if I could sleep here tonight?" He lifted his head from her neck, his stormy eyes softened as he looked at her nervous face. "It's fine if you don't want to, I just thought..?" She made a move to get out from under him, his unmoving gaze still on her.

"Forget I even asked. I'll see you in the morning-." She let out a squeal as he pulled her back down, her body now landing on top of his. She looked to the side, trying to move from in between his legs. He lifted her up slightly and put her head into the crook of his neck, her body relaxing at the comfortable position.

No other words were shared as they fell asleep in each other's arms.

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