Chapter 23

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Draco walked into the secluded coffee shop, his face emotionless as he spotted Astoria waving him over. He sat down on the seat in front of her, waiting for her to speak.

"Why did you want to meet me here, Greengrass?" She bit her vibrant red lip, looking him up and down. "Wow, you haven't changed a bit." He hummed and turned his head to the side, feeling her shift closer to him.

"I just wanted to speak to you. Catch up after all this time-."

"Listen, Astoria, I don't like you in any way. I already have someone in my life who I would do anything for." She gulped but kept the smile on her face, moving even closer to him. His eyes averted to their distance and back to her, watching her closely.

"But have you really moved on from me completely?" He ran a hand down his face and stood up, looking down at her sternly.

"Goodbye Astoria." He walked out of the store, hearing her trail behind. He felt her wrap her arm around his wrist making him turn around, a sudden kiss to his lips being pressed. He growled and gripped her wrist, pushing the girl against the wall.

A smirk was planted on her face as she wiggled under his grip, watching him try to remove her kiss as much as he can with the back of his hand.

"Come on, Dray. You can't tell me you don't have feelings for me." He leaned forward and looked at her dead in the eye, his hues stormy.

"No I fucking don't. I loathe you." Her face turned angry, removing her wrists from his grip and storming away with teary eyes.

Gripping his wand, he apparated back to the house, calming down slightly at the thought of seeing his girl. He looked around, furrowing his brows at how silent the room was. He walked up the stairs, going into his room to see if he can eavesdrop on what she was doing.

A small gasp left his lips as he got close enough to see his now torn room. He walked in, looking around to see glass all over the floor from the lamp, all of his cabinets torn out of the desk with its items thrown onto the ground. His jaw ticked as he walked into the bathroom and through her room, seeing Moonlight hopping around but no sign of Wren.

Panic filled his as he thought about her running away, the thought leaving his body as he heard a door slam. He walked out of the room and down the stairs, coming face to face with a very angry Wren.

"Mind telling me why the fuck you trashed my room?" She chuckled dryly, her eyes holding nothing but pure anger.

"How was your little catch up, 𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙮?" He clenched his jaw and looked down at her sternly. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"So you weren't meeting up with a girl you used to fuck? Or do I really not know what I'm talking about?"

"No you fucking don't", he yelled angrily, not believing she thought he would cheat on her. "Then why would you even bother going to see her?!"

"Because she's in love with me and I went to-." She pushed him back, tears running down her face. "THEN GO BE WITH HER- I DONT FUCKING CARE!"

He growled and gripped his wand once again out of anger, "Fine then- I'll go fuck her for real this time." He walked out, a sob leaving her throat. Her eyes were blurred with tears as she stayed still, her breathing heavy.


The door that was once slammed shut by him was opened quickly, Draco walking in angrily. He walked towards her, gripping her neck and pushing her against the nearest wall. "We both know you're not going to leave me. You're never going to leave me." She cried harder, her face blotchy red as anger rose deep in her.

"Oh really? Then leave and you'll fucking see." She wasn't going to leave, but maybe threatening him would actually make him believe her.

"And what are you going to go back to, huh? To your old life where nobody fucking loves you?" Her heart clenched at his words but she didn't show it, shoving him back and looking at him with no care like when she arrived.

"Just go back to her, Malfoy. I don't want to fucking see you." He clenched his fists, and moved forward, a slap landing on his cheek. His head turned to the side at the impact, clenching his fists to control himself.

"You're acting like a senseless little bitch when you weren't even there to see that nothing happened." He seethed out as he looked at her with wide angry eyes, watching her lip curl up as she moved her thumb to his mouth, swiping his bottom lip and moving it to his view.

He looked at the pinkish thumb, mumbling a 'fuck' at the mistake of not removing the excess of the forced kiss Astoria had given him.

"Just leave, Draco." She mumbled softly, her voice cracking. She passed by him and sped up the stairs, tears still falling down her face. He inhaled deeply and walked out of the house, knowing that if he stayed he would wreck everything in sight.

He could just kill Astoria like he killed Jonathan, but he knew it would be too risky considering how many people were around the neighborhood he knew she was in. He ran a hand through his hair, kicking the driver door making a dent appear.

Fuck he hated himself for everything he said to her.

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