Chapter 8

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The sun shone brightly against Draco's face, a groan leaving his lips at the sweat on his face. He sat up and leaned against the headboard, swiping his hand through his hair. He looked to the bathroom and got up, walking towards it with his chest also glistening with beads of sweat.

He opened the door slowly, not knowing it she was still asleep. He brushed his teeth and used the bathroom, washing his hands and getting closer to her door. He pressed his ear against it, trying to hear any type of noise.

The only sound in the room was the turned on fan, the whit like noise filling his ears. He opened the door slowly, looking around the room when he didn't see her in it.

Opening the door to walk out completely, he walked down the stairs quietly, trying to see what she was doing before he confronted her.

A low voice was heard as he made his way into the living room, a small giggle following after. He poked his head out to see her with a short lavender sundress on, the front of her short hair being pulled back into the top of her head with a clip.

"Stay right here. Don't follow me ok?" She backed up and turned around, peeking back over her shoulder to see the small bunny hopping after her. She giggled and bent down, letting in hop onto her hand.

Kissing it's head, she pressed her nose against its own with a smile and suddenly looked to where he was watching her, his body quickly coming out as if he was just about to enter. She cleared her throat and removed the smile on her face, gulping as she watched him pass by.

She didn't make a move to walk away from the kitchen, but followed him, wanting to ask him a question.

"Draco", she spoke lowly and softly, his attention getting caught in a second. He looked at her with surprise, not expecting her to try to talk to him. She gave him a nervous smile and bit her cheek, her words coming out scrambled.

"So there's this thing called an I Pod I think-? It's like a phone", she noticed his raised brow, her eyes widening as she furrowed her brows and shook her head, knowing his exact thoughts.

"No, no- you can't call with it because it's for like kids and stuff so I was wondering if I could have one?" She looked at him sheepishly and shook her head.

"I had a phone before but I left it at home when you..", she looked to the side and back to him, not wanting him to get mad at her for saying he kidnapped her.

"And I'll pay for it of course- my wallet is on my counter so whenever you can and if you will get it for me-"

"Wren", she stopped rambling at his deep words, gulping as she looked straight at him. "I don't need your money." She stumbled over her words, thinking he got offended by what she said.

"That's not what I meant-." "Can you text with it?" She shrugged and scratched her cheek with one hand, the other one pressing the bunny against her chest.

"I don't know. I've never had one. But if it does I pinky promise I won't text anyone. Or even try to download any texting app." He hummed and turned around, getting the pans ready to make breakfast.

She stayed still and rocked back and forth on the heels of her feet, not knowing if it was now a yes or a no. "So is that a yes?"

"Yes, Wren. I'll get it for you." She smiled behind his back and gripped the bunny tighter to her chest, walking out without another word. He couldn't help but smirk slightly as he made breakfast.

He was finally growing on her.

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