Chapter 21

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Opening the backseat, he pushed her in and followed after. She kissed his lips roughly before he could comprehend it, a low moan escaping her lips as she separated their lips. He forgot she had a vibrating bullet in her and grinned, watching as she arched her back slightly.

"I can't take it anymore." He dug his hand into his pocket, gripping the remote and turning it up to level six. She felt the difference and whimpered, knowing she still couldn't cum with how low it was going.

Lifting her dress up, he smirked at the wetness dripping down her thighs. His pants were stained but he didn't care.

All he cared about at that moment was to watch her face contort with pleasure as he fucked her tight pussy.

"Look at you..", he teased. "Dripping all over my pants." She looked at him with embarrassment crawling up her cheeks, her hips still moving lightly. She moved forward, her mouth gaping open in pleasure as his clothed dick came in contact with her clit.

He groaned and gripped her hips, moving her back and forth on his dick teasingly. She let out a cry as he moved his hips up, her hands wrapping around the two small metal poles in head rest of the seat. He gawked at her figure, moaning as she moved faster on his erection.

A growl left his lips as he lifted her hips up with one hand, the other wrapped tightly around her neck. He pushed her down onto the seats, her head nearly touching the black plastic of the door.

"So needy for me, aren't you?" She nodded frantically, her eyes fluttering as she watched him unbuckle his now ruined dress pants and lower them down to his knees. She suddenly looked up to the windows, a small gasp leaving her lips.

"What if people see?" He chuckled darkly, kissing down her neck as he trailed a hand to his cock. "Don't worry baby, the windows are tinted. I wouldn't want anyone to see your pretty little body." Her breath hitched at his words, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as he grazed his cock at her entrance and up to her clit.

The vibrations were still going as he kept rubbing her clit with his cock, his head tilting back at the pleasure inflicted on his sensitive tip.

"Fuck", he mumbled as he looked back down, seeing her squirm under him. He groaned and thrusted into her, her back arching at the sudden pain put pleasure.

Thrusting in and out at a normal rate, he dug his fingers into her waist to calm down and not fuck her hard like he wanted to. She whimpered, the pain lessening and the pleasure overpowering her body.

"Faster", she moaned out, Draco's eyes darkening as he groaned and thrust into her rapidly, the vibrations sending pleasure down his throbbing cock.

Wrapping her legs around his waist, she pushed him in deeper, a low scream leaving her lips as she pushed in two more inches of him. She shut her eyes tightly as she wiggled her hips, not believing she wasn't taking him in entirely.

"All of you Draco. Fuck me with all of your cock." He griped a hand to her hair tightly, the other one still attached to her waist. He suddenly thrusted in deeply, a low whimper leaving his lips as she took him in fully. Her back arched off the cushioned seat, her eyes rolling to the back of her head once again.

He pounded into her with no control, the sounds of their pleasure and arousal filling the car. Her body bounced with his movements, her head tilting back to the seat.

Moving a hand to her clit, he rubbed it quickly, a loud cry leaving her lips as she came hard on his cock, a shiver running down his spine as he resisted the urge to cum deep in her.

Pulling out of her quickly, he came all over her abdomen with a groan. She breathed heavily, her legs trembling as he gently sat her up on his lap. She rested her head on his shoulder, feeling his fingers pick up his cum from her abdomen and bring it up. He fisted her hair, bringing his coated fingers to her lips.

"Suck." She obliged and wrapped her fingers around his two fingers, feeling him thrust them in and out of her mouth slowly as he watched her intently.

Removing his fingers from her mouth, he wrapped his own lips around them, tasting her saliva and his cum with his eyes still on hers.

"Good girl."

She bit her lip and brought her own hand down to her pussy, picking up her dripping cum and bringing it to his lips as well.

He sucked on it, a smirk on his face as he flicked his tongue in between them darkly. She looked at his with hooded eyes, a grin growing on her lips.

"Good boy."

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