Chapter 20

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"What did I tell you before we left the house, hm?" Wrens lip was curled up slightly, staring at him with jealousy. He gripped her throat tighter, her airway getting cut off slightly.

"Answer me." She rolled her eyes and kept her forearms pressed against the marble sink.

"To not leave your side." He growled lowly at her attitude laced tone, pressing her body against the counter.

"So then why the fuck did you do the opposite of what I said?" She scoffed, scowling at him.

"Because you don't fucking own me." She was flipped over and bent over the counter, his hand going to her hair and gripping it tightly. He lifted her long dress to her hips, ripping her panties with one hand. She gasped and looked back, his hand tightening in her hair and pulling her head back.

He moved his hand to her front, two of his fingers moving to her clit and rubbing her quickly. She tilted her head back, a moan leaving her lips. He moved them faster, her eyes fluttering shut as he pinched it in between his circular motions.

"Watch yourself." He spoke gruffly as he lifted her head with his tight grip on her short hair. She looked at his moving hand through the mirror, biting her lip to contain her moans. She could hear her wetness sound throughout the room as he sped up his pace, her head nearly falling back if it wasn't for his grip.

Her legs started to shake, her clit throbbing erratically as pleasure filled her senses. "I need-", he removed his hand, a cry leaving her lips. She tried to move her own hand to her throbbing clit, but his cold hand stopped her from having her orgasm.

"Please-." He made her sit on the edge of the counter, her juices getting all over it. He pulled out something from his pocket, a moan leaving her lips as he grazed her throbbing clit.

"I had a feeling you would disobey me." He inserted a metal bullet into her, her back arching at the cold feeling. He dug his finger into her, pumping it in a few times to make sure it was not going to fall out. She gripped his wrist as he tried to pull his finger out, a low growl leaving his lips as he saw her messy figure staring back at him with desperation.

He pulled his hand away, gripping both of hers tightly as he got something else out of his pocket with his spare hand. He showed her a small remote, her eyes widening as she looked at it.

"I'll let you cum when I think you deserve it." She whimpered lowly as he pulled her forward, their covered faces an inch apart. "Let's hope there isn't a next time of what you said. I won't go so easy on you then."

He pulled her down from the counter, lowering her dress with one hand as he kept his dark eyes on her. "Don't move from my side without my permission." She gulped and nodded, feeling his gaze on her as she walked out and waited for him to follow.

He hummed and gripped her waist tightly, her legs feeling like jelly as she walked by his side. "Draco! I've been looking for you everywhere." The same woman leaned forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning back once again and looking at him up and down.

"I see you haven't changed even a bit." Draco chucked deeply, his arm tightening on Wrens waist even more once he felt her slip away slightly. "I'm hoping it's a good thing. Blaise said the same as well."

Pansy laughed and kept a distance between them, tilting her head to the side and looking back to Wren. "I've met your beautiful lady. Not much of a talker, really."

He tapped his hand against her lower waist, her attention getting caught. She turned her head, her eyes cold as she stared at her.

"Ouch. Not a big fan of me I'm guessing?" She hummed and turned her head once again, tapping her heeled foot against the ground. A sudden vibration of pleasure started deep in her core, her eyes widening as a loud gasp left her lips. Her pussy got even wetter at the new feeling, her core not used to intense pleasure.

In her opinion, it definitely felt better than sex.

Pansy spoke with Draco for a while, the vibration still being on the lowest setting to not let her cum. Pansy soon left, disappointment laced in her tone as she took one glance to her turned figure and left to find the others.

Wren let out a sigh once she left, her legs trembling as she kept getting close to her orgasm. She pressed her thighs together, feeling her arousal drip down her thighs.

"Please Draco..", she could see his cock harden at her low voice, her fist clenching on his shirt to compose herself. "I'm so close-", his eyes darkened at how desperate she was for him, looking up to see if anyones eyes were on them.

"This is your punishment, love. I'm not letting you cum until you learn to behave." She whimpered and leaned against him, her breath hitching as the vibration went high and then low.

"I'll behave- I promise." He inspected her, his dick hardening painfully. "Do you think you deserve it?" She whimpered and tilted her head up.

"No." She mumbled lowly. He was about to speak before she cut him off. "I need to feel you so badly." He gulped, looking at her as she moved to his front, palming him through his pants. He kept his eyes on her, a groan threatening to spill out of his lips.

"I need to feel the tip of your cock graze my clit." She leaned up to his ear. "I need to feel your body collide with mine." He growled lowly and gripped her wrist, pulling her into the chattering crowd. He didn't even bother saying bye to his friends as he opened the wide doors, making his way to the car he had brought.

She had thought they would wait to get home, but his rushed actions told her differently.

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