Chapter 12

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Wren hadn't came out of her room since what had happened between them.

Of course she ate with him, but he had got her some earbuds so she used them all of the times to block him out. He tried to speak to her sometimes and she usually heard him but she always acted like she couldn't hear him for him to leave her alone.

She was now sat on the corner of the room, Moonlight hopping around the room and sniffing the floors. She but her lip in nervousness and decided it was time to talk to him.

I mean she was the one that let him touch her so there's no reason for her to be embarrassed when it was her decision.

Standing up from the ground, she smoothed out her short jean skirt and walked out of her room, making her way to the front of his.

They shared the bathroom which is how he got to her the first night, but she wanted to apologize for ignoring him properly so she intended to knock on his main door.

She stood in front of his door and inhaled deeply turning her head once again to make sure she couldn't hear any noise from down stairs.

Once she was sure, she lifted her fist to knock on the door but a noise made her stop. The house was the quietest it has been in a while so any noise could catch her ear.

Pressing her ear against the door, she furrowed her eyebrows and tried to hear more of the emitting noise without him finding out.

"Fuck..", he dragged out the word as the sound of a low moan left his lips. She gasped and moved slightly back, hearing him become louder. He whimpered lowly, mumbling words under his breath.

The sounds that came out of his mouth made her feel so- hot. She could feel her panties pooling as she got closer, wanting to hear more. His moans sounded so attractive she just couldn't help herself.

She could hear him cry out softly and mumble desperately after, the wet sound of his hand pumping his hard cock, filling her ears.

"Wren..", he whimpered after he spoke her name, a small gasp emitting from her own lips at the sound. The thought of him touching himself to the thought of her made her feel somehow proud.

The thought of touching herself never came to mind, but after hearing his sounds of pleasure clear in her mind, she had to try it out later. He was still moaning as she pressed her hands against the door, so she thought about making him feel good.

He did make her feel good a couple of days ago, so it would be fair if she pleasured him back.

Slowly twisting the knob to not alert him, she opened it slightly, her eyes bulging out of her head as she watched the size of his throbbing cock.

It was bigger than her forearm. She might've never seen a cock before but she knows that's larger than the average.

Walking in quietly, she shut the door after her, his hooded eyes opening and looking over at her. He didn't seem shocked by her entrance and just kept pumping his cock, his eyes now focused on her every movement.

She gulped down her anxiousness and walked towards the bed, getting on top of it and onto his hips. He was sitting against the headboard, his back pressed up on it and his erect cock standing behind her. He groaned at the lost of contact but moved his hands to her waist.

His grip tightened against her as his cock throbbed at the unintentional edging, biting the inside of his cheek to not say anything. He had dreamed to have her like this, so he wasn't going to ruin it because of his urge.

She lifted her hips and moved back, his cock now in front of her. She leaned in and kissed him roughly, a light moan leaving his lips at the action.

Her legs were spread at each side of his thighs, her jean skirt ridden up to her waist. He moved his hands up to the naked skin of the underpart of the skirt, digging his fingers into the soft flesh. His cock was throbbing so much- he thought he would have to remove one of his hands to touch himself.

The sudden contact of her hand reached his cock, gasping into her mouth at the touch. She didn't think she was doing it right so she moved back and bit her lip, tilting her head slightly.

"Is this ok?" He nodded and tilted his head back to the headboard, the pleasure she gave him being too much.

"Yes. Fuck yes." She looked down at his leaking tip and wrapped her hand around the center of it once again, a visible shiver running down his spine. She pumped him, her eyes on his face to see his reaction.

Small quick breaths were leaving his parted lips as he tilted his head back down to look at her face, her doe eyes staring intently at him. He gripped her skin tighter, her soft skin filling the space of his palm.

Moving her hand faster, she kept her eyes locked on his cock and watched as it visibly throbbed, the tip leaking with arousal. He breathed heavily, his nails now digging into her flesh as he got closer to coming undone.

"Don't stop, baby- Don't stop." She gulped and moved her hand even faster, suddenly swiping her thumb on the slit of his tip to see his reaction. He cried out and cummed on her hand, throwing his head back in pleasure. She gasped at the unstopping white hot string coming out of his tip and down her hand, her mouth gaped open as she watched it flow down with ease.

She suddenly remembered how he drank her cum up and removed her hand from his still hard cock and licked his cum up, the taste being new to her tongue. She looked at him as she drank it, his eyes darkening as he watched her carefully.

As she finished, he gripped the back of her head and kissed her harshly, a moan leaving her lips at the action. She kissed him back with the same force, his other hand moving up to her waist.

He moved back and looked at her with a growing grin, his eyes looking deeply into hers.

"Fucking hell you're good."

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