Chapter 10

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Wren couldn't help but feel a second heartbeat in her core, a dark blush tinting her cheeks. She sat in in disbelief of what she was feeling at the moment, her eyes focused deeply on the door to see if he would walk in at any moment.

Inhaling deeply, she stood up and let the bunny sleep, walking to the door and walking out like nothing. It was time for dinner so it would be weird if she didn't go down when she always did.

As she walked down the stairs in some wide legged pants and a sage green tube top that she changed into, she tried to stall as much as she can by taking the steps slower than she usually did.

Walking into the kitchen, she looked at the set up table and didn't dare to look at him, knowing she would turn completely red if she did. She could feel his eyes on her as she sat down, pinching the skin on her fingers to keep herself from sparing him a glance.

The clatter of utensils was heard as he cut his food, her slowly doing the same. She gulped down a piece of the juicy steak, adverting her mind from the picture.

"Are you cold?" She looked up to him, cursing herself as she gave him a glance.

All she could see now was that picture that was engraved in her mind. It kept messing with her mind. She shook her head and kept her eyes on him, somehow not being able to take them away.

He looked down at her chest and hummed, putting a piece of steak in his mouth. She looked down at her chest where he looked, her breath hitching once she saw what he was looking at.

Two points were poking out of her tube top, her nipples hardened because of the picture that kept coming to mind. She looked up with reddened cheeks, watching his focused eyes darken on her. "It's not-."

"Where's your phone." He commanded, standing up from the chair abruptly and making his way up the stairs. She followed after him with panic, trying to sprint past him for him not to see.

He entered the room angrily and got the phone before she could touch it, walking into the bathroom and to his room with her trying to talk him out of it.

"Draco please!" She gripped his forearm, his body stopping as he kept his vision down on the phone. His whole hand wallowed the small electronic completely, so she had no idea what he was looking at.

A smirk slowly crawled onto his face as she looked at him from the side, knowing he saw what she looked at that made her so flustered.

He turned around and saw her looking around the room as she ran her hand through her hair, her face hot. He bent down slightly as she looked at him with wide eyes, his two fingers moving to the bottom of her chin.

"Aroused by a silly little picture, my darling?" She stared at him with her mouth gaped open, her panties slightly dampening at his words. "No it's just-."

"It's just what?" She stayed silent, knowing there was nothing she could say to save her from the embarrassment of getting caught seeing a sexual picture of him.

She backed up, the back of her knees hitting the bed making her fall onto it. She kept her eyes on his moving figure, watching as he bent down onto his bed, his stormy eyes focused on her.

Her head hit the pillow behind her, a growl leaving his lips as her short hair sprawled out behind her. He looked down at her plump lips, wanting to press his own against them so badly.

Looking back into her eyes, he leaned in a little further, his forearms stopping him from putting all of his weight on her.

"Can I touch you?" She gulped and debated it, questioning if she was actually going to let the man that killed Adrian and brought her here touch her.


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