Chapter 15

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"Can we please go in there?" Wren asked with excitement as she looked towards the jewelry store. She always wanted to go to a jewelry store in France.

It was like her little imagine. As they walked in, she walked towards the beginning of the glasses filled with all types of jewelry, her eyes glimmering against the cases.

Draco walked next to her and peered down at what she was doing, hearing her talk about how big it is and how it looks like it would hurt a lot if you accidentally wipe your face with the back of your hand.

A small smirk grew on his face as he heard her talk, following after her every time she passed by each case. She suddenly gasped and looked down at a small golden ring with the design of a ceramic woman's side profile engraved on the small marble oval, her mouth gaped as she looked down at it.

"Fucking he'll that must cost a ton." She gulped, her gaze lingering on it as she passed by the other jewelry. She spoke about them as if they were the most extraordinary things in the world, also comparing the colors to different types of flowers.

As they walked out, he watched as she looked to the dropping sun, her eyes squinting at how bright it was.

"Stay here. I'll be back." She looked at him with question but just nodded, walking towards a wooden bench and sitting down. She looked at the Eiffel Tower, excited to see it glimmer in the night time.

She looked back to the direction Draco went, the thought of leaving not even crossing her mind. She then tilted her head back, looking up at the color changing sky, her body relaxing as the air swooshed against her body.

"Come on. Let's go see the Eiffel Tower." She could see Draco out of the corner of her eye look towards it and then back at her figure, his pupils widening as he took in her features.

Standing up, she smiled softly at him and walked side my side in a comfortable silence. She tilted her head up as inched closer and closer to the beauty of it, a wide smile on her face.

Gripping his hand in hers, she didn't notice him looking down at their connected hands and back at her. He never thought he would have ever been with her, or even touched her.

So every slight contact she did with him made him feel so alert of everything. He would never get tired of her like she thought.

A gasp pulled him out of his thoughts, his eyes focusing on the very shocked girl that consumed his thoughts at every second. She pulled his arm slightly, pointing to the now shimmering tower making her eyes shine at his bright it was.

The sun was now down so it looked even more mesmerizing than she had ever imagined. She turned to look at him to find his eyes already on her.

Blushing lightly, she fiddled with her fingers as she tried to find the right words to tell him. "I want to thank you for bringing me out here. You made my dream since forever come true and I don't know how to repay you-."

He had bent down and pecked her lips, silencing her words. The Eiffel Tower was still shining brightly as he grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him back into a deeper kiss.

A groan left his lips at the action, his body already feeling hot. He tried to pull away to collect himself but she just pulled him in closer, kissing him even harder. She pressed her hand against his growing bulge, his grip tightening on her waist at the touch of pleasure.

"I want to touch you..", she spoke softly, moving her kisses to his jaw. His breathing was heavy as he tried to not completely undress her in public and fuck her against the nearest bench. "I want to make you feel good-."

Her words were cut off with a smooth apparition, his grip tight on her waist. They landed in his room, Wren not even caring to look around to see where she was. She ripped off his blouse, some buttons flying everywhere.

A smirk was planted on his face as he kissed her swollen lips even harder, the thought of her being desperate for him making him feel even hotter. She unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down, his boxers the only thing on his body. He suddenly ripped her dress open, a shocked gasp leaving her lips.

"Don't worry baby I'll buy you many more..", she sat up slightly and removed the dress from under her, her full perky breasts and pussy only being covered by a lace see through set.

Her nipples were visible in the flimsy bra, her arousal leaking through the center of the small panties. He stared down at her, her hands inching to cover herself from his dark eyes. He caught her actions and quickly pinned her arms above her head with one hand, moving kisses down the valley of her breasts and to her stomach.

"So fucking beautiful", he mumbled against her stomach as he bit her hip, a pleasurable moan leaving her lips. He looked up at her reaction, his smirk widening.

"Does my little slut have a pain kink?" He could see her visibly gulp, his eyes still on hers as he trailed his way down to her thighs. He bit into it roughly, seeing her bite her lip and tilt her head back to not show him she actually likes it.

He moved back up to her face, tilting it back with his hand, the other one still gripping her wrists tightly.

"I'm going to have so much fun watching your pretty face contort in pleasure.."

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