Chapter 5

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"Talk to me Wren."

Draco was sat in front her at the dinner table, the food he had made before she woke up set up nicely.

Wrens hands were set on her lap, the plate in front of her filled with food untouched. She was staring down at her thighs, her breathing labored as she tried to not lash out.

"At least eat something-", she slammed her fist onto the table, her eyes wide with anger. She put up an angry forced smile and tilted her head to the side slightly.

"Aren't you a bit talkative today", she pointed out, her top lip curling up as she looked at him. "Since you want me to talk, then how about we talk about what you did to Adrian."

His jaw ticked as he stared at her darkly, not expecting her to bring it up when they were eating. She pushed her plate away, none of them even flinching when it smashed against the ground.

She clasped both of her hands together and pressed them to the bottom of her chin, her body nearly shaking as she watched his unmoving figure.

"Why did you kill him?" She knew he could kill her because of her tone, but she couldn't control the built up anger that was threatening to unleash.

He clenched his fists under the table, his veiny bulging on his hands as he tried to control his own anger at her attitude.

"I did it for you." She chucked the second those words left his lips, tilting her head to the side in disbelief.

"Don't give me that bullshit." She looked back to him and said it more harshly. "Why the fuck did you kill him."

The words came out as a command, a small smirk growing on Draco's face. She couldn't help but let out a growl at his amused expression, her fist clenching even tighter on top of the table.

"It's not bullshit, Wren. I did it for you." His jaw ticked as he inhaled deeply and moved his body forward, speaking lower.

"Are you really going to dismiss everything he did to you?" Her eyes slightly widened at his words, her face hardening.

"Fuck you- you don't know what you're talking about." He had to bite his tongue to not get up and get rid of that attitude. "I've been around Wren. Do you remember the first time I ever escaped?"

Her eyes fluttered with anger, letting him know she was listening closely. "I came to your home that same night to look for you- only to find him gripping your jaw tightly and a dark bruise on your cheek."

She stood up abruptly, turning and walking away rapidly. He stood up and sprinted after her, watching as she walked up the stairs quickly and went towards a room to her far right. He moved after her faster, trying to reach over before she locked herself in the room.

He cursed loudly as she ran in, looking at him angrily with teary eyes and slamming the door on his face. "GET OUT HERE WREN-!"

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" He banged his side against the door, moving back and kicking it roughly. She let out a scream as his figure appeared into her view, her hands going to her face to try to hide it from him.

One of his hands gripped her arm gently, her hand pushing him away in panic. His grip tightened, her legs trying to aim at his stomach as she turned her head away to the side and shut her eyes tightly.

He managed to grip her arms tightly, his body resting on her lower half to keep her from moving her legs. She was crying at this point, the realization of what was happening sinking deep into her head.

"Why are you so scared of me, hm? I've done nothing for you to be afraid of me- I've given you food, a home, EVERYTHING you could ever ask for!" She cried harder at his loud tone, his face to close to her neck.

"TELL ME-!" He shook her body, her eyes shutting tightly to not see his face. Her breathing was heavy under him, her vision cloudy under her eyelids. She opened her eyes lightly and stared at the wall, a sole tear dripping down to the bedsheets as her muscles became stiff.

Wren knew exactly what was happening to her. She hadn't had a seizure since her best friend tried to make her do stuff she didn't want to when she was fifteen.

Draco noticed she had completely stopped, his eyebrows furrowing as he looked at her tilted face. Her breathing suddenly stopped, her eyes focused on the walls. His eyes widened as her chest stopped heaving.

One of his hands tilted her head to him, her eyes staring out into space as her body suddenly started to jolt. Her head was tilted back as her back arched off the bed slightly, her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

He quickly gripped onto her and turned her to her side, her body still jolting frantically. He watched her with teary eyes, running his hands through her hair to let her know she's not alone.

It suddenly stopped. Her eyes shut completely, her body turning limp as every movement of her body stopped. Her breathing came back, a sigh of relief escaping Draco's lips. He knew seizures couldn't cause death, but he was still so panicked by the end of it.

And the worst part was- it happened because of him.

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