Chapter 2

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Walking down to driveway to her car, Wren took a deep inhale of the fresh summer breeze and looked up at the sky.

It was very hot outside. It had been raining the last couple of days nonstop so it was very sudden that the sun was out.

Which is exactly why her friend Violet had invited her to the beach with some of her other friends. She was a bit hesitant at first when she mentioned others would be there, but gave in after feeling the sun blaze against her skin though the window.

Getting into her car, she backed out of the driveway and made her way towards the beach she had been told to meet them up. As she drove into the express way, she couldn't help but think about the events of yesterday.

Draco had acted so weird when he saw her. They never even spoke during their years at Hogwarts, so why did he act like they had known each other since forever?

Removing the thought from her mind, she parked in an empty spot in front of her and jumped out of her car, making sure to lock it afterwards.

Violet immediately came into her view with her magenta colored hair. She spotted her as well and smiled widely, calling her over.

The other people she mentioned were already their, an awkward smile growing on her face as she watched them look at her with either a bitch face or a judging look.

Violet threw her arm around her when she got in reach, pulling her closer as she looked at her other friends.

"As you all know, this is my soulmate Wren", she looked to Wren as she pointed to each of the people in front of her. "That's Mia, Ryan, Jonathan, and Michael. Sorry they're being rude- they're not usually like this."

Wren just gave her a tight lipped smile and looked the side, noticing the guy called Jonathan was reading a book and had been unaware of anyone speaking about him.

"About fucking time. I'm melting out here." Mia rolled her eyes and made herself towards the beach, removing her shirt and shorts before she stepped in and let the water reach her upper chest.

They all followed after without a word, Violet giving Wren a pat in the back and running into the beach. She sighed and sat down on a chair next to Jonathan, looking out into the view.

He suddenly dropped his book and stretched back, groaning as his muscles stretched. He looked forward at the beach, his eyes adverting to the side once he noticed her next to him.

Taking her in, he shook his head and spoke to grab her attention. "Shit- sorry I didn't introduce myself when you arrived", he pulled out his hand, a smile growing on his face.

"I'm Jonathan." She smiled at him and looked down at his hand, rolling her eyes playfully right after. "There's no need to be all formal with me Jonathan."

He chuckled nervously and retreated his hand, a light pink tint coloring his cheeks. She smiled and turned her head back to the view, humming once she saw how beautiful it looked the deeper it got.

She stood up and removed her shorts, turning her head to see him watching her already. He gulped and stood up with her, her eyes traveling upward at his height. She walked towards the beach, her eyes squinted at the sun.

Dipping her feet in, she sighed at the warm water, her body instinctively submerging deeper. She shut her eyes as she tilted her head back, the water coating her hair.

Her eyes fluttered as she opened them and looked forward, seeing Jonathan inches away. She smiled widely and eyed his dry hair, splashing water at him at the sight. His mouth gaped open as the water hit his eyes and hair, a small gasp leaving his lips.

Wren laughed at his reaction, a sudden force of water hitting her face. She coughed as it entered her mouth, the salty flavor making her scrunch her face up in disgust.

"Drown me while you're at it-", she laughed as she spoke, clearing her eyes from the clear water. He grinned as he moved closer, removing a strand of hair stuck to her face.

Her smile slowly left her face as she looked at him, her eyes capturing his every feature. He had dark brown hair that glowed under the sun, his eyes a light green because of the salt water. She couldn't help but look down at his pink plump lips, shaking her head slightly once she noticed what she was doing.

Giving him a tight lipped smile, they both swam towards the group that were feet away.


Wren shut the door to her house, yawning with a stretch. It was already ten at night and she had just arrived from the beach trip. He'd friends had insisted on staying for longer since it was a Saturday. They had bought ice cream from a little store at the beach- well Jonathan bought it for her after protesting that he would really want to.

He had gave her his phone number with a shy smile, telling her to call him if she ever wanted some ice cream. She couldn't help but smile at the thought.

Dropping her keys on the counter, she rubbed her eyes and made her way to the bathroom, just wanting to shower and go to bed. She turned on the shower and took off her clothes as she waited for it to heat up, not even bothering to look at herself in the mirror.

A groan left her lips as the warm water hit her skin, a slight burn coming with the contact because of her burnt skin. She should've definitely taken sunscreen.

As soon as she finished washing her hair and body, she got out of her shower with a wobble, putting on her sage green pajamas shorts and skin tight shirt.

She dried her short brown hair as much as she can with the towel, hanging it behind the door like before. She fell into the bed as it got out of reach, her eyes fluttering as she stayed in that exact position.


The low noise passed her ears as her body relaxed, her eyes shutting as her senses became foggy.

Wren suddenly felt a prick at her neck making her wake up, her eyes blurry.

Her eyes slightly widened as she saw Draco on top of her, her hand immediately going up to his neck to try to push him away.

She started seeing tiny white spots fill her vision, panic flooding her whole body.

He shushed her lowly and ran a hand though her hair, a smile on his face as her hands weakened.

"It's alright my darling, you'll be home soon.."

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