Chapter 18

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Draco walked into the house, his eyes searching everywhere for his girl. He knew she wouldn't leave, which is why he left to take care of something.

Looking around the area, he stopped when he heard a faint noise coming from his room. He dropped his wand onto the counter, making his way up the stairs.

The sounds got louder and needier as he got closer to the door, his mouth gaping open as he pressed his ear against the door.

"Fucking hell..", he mumbled lowly, hearing her sounds of pleasure as she touched herself. He walked into the room, his pupils expanding when he saw the sight in front of him.

Wren was laid in his bed with her legs spread open as her back arches off the bed, her body covered with nothing but a forest green lingerie. Her whole pussy was out from the thin clothing, his cock instantly hardening when he looked at her face.

It was ridden with pleasure as she as she rode her hand, her eyebrows drawn together as she breathed heavily. Her eyes fluttered open, her head turning to the side and focusing her eyes on him. He growled and made his way to her, removing her hand from her dripping pussy as soon as he got close. His dark gaze was on her, a small whimper leaving her lips from her cut off orgasm.

"Dirty little whore." She moaned lowly at his degrading words, a grin growing on his face as he bent down so his lips were in level with hers.

"Not surprised you like to be degraded, love." He moved his head to her jaw, trailing his tongue over it. "I can see it in your eyes", he moved his tongue to the top of her neck, breathing heavily on it.

"How much you want to be treated like a slut." He dug two of his fingers into her pussy, a loud moan leaving her lips. He thrusted them in with speed, his lips still planting kisses onto her neck. He started to suck on her neck and back up to her jaw, leaving hickeys planted all over her. He could feel her ride his hand, his other hand moving to hold her hips down.

"Patience, baby." He spoke seductively, a cry leaving her lips as he slowed his hand down. She tilted her head to his ear, her desperate voice ringing in his head.

"I want you Draco- all of you." He growled lowly and moved back, his stormy eyes focusing on her.
"Don't say that unless you mean it." She wrapped her legs around his waist, her chest arching into his.

"Please." His eyes impossibly darkened at her plead, his hands clenching on her waist. He stared at her as she unbuttoned his pants and slid them down, his boxers still intact.

She grazed him over his boxers, a low groan leaving his lips as he tilted his head down slightly. She lowered his last piece of clothing, his cock springing up drenched with pre-cum.

"Are you sure about this?" She nodded, wrapping her hands around his chest.

"Use your words." She gasped as he ripped of her lingerie, tossing the ripped clothing to the ground.

"Yes-." She couldn't help but feel nervous as she looked down, seeing his huge throbbing cock near her tight entrance. She felt him lift her chin up slowly, her anxious eyes connecting with his soft ones.

"I'll go as gentle as I can, ok?" She nodded and inhaled deeply, feeling him enter his tip making her wither uncomfortably. He clenched his teeth as he moved in slightly deeper, the pain not hitting her yet.

"Fuck Wren you're so tight." She gritted her teeth as he moved in slightly deeper, thinking it wasn't as bad as people use to tell her. He looked at her gently, running one of his hands through the side of her hair.

"Hold on as tight as you need, alright?" She was about to speak back to him but a sudden scorching pain rose in her core, her nails digging into his back. He smashed his lips against hers, his fingers rubbing her clit roughly to distract her from the pain.

Tears were threatening to fall as she shut her eyes tightly, trying to desperately shut her legs but his body wouldn't let her. "It burns!" She cried out, kisses now being peppered onto her neck to try and give her some pleasure. He rubbed her clit faster, his breathing increasing as he felt her clench around him repeatedly.

A soft whimper left his lips as she withered under him, his cock fully in her as she clenched around him once again.

"M-move." He moved back slowly, moving back forward with a groan. He had to shut his eyes to compose himself. He'd wanted to bury himself into her cunt since the first time she looked at him with those innocent eyes as she walked down the Hogwarts corridors.

He still couldn't believe she let him touch her like he wanted to. Not only intimately, but caring too. He wanted to care for her like no one had before. Like people had failed to.

She could hear him whisper sweet nothings into her ear, the words making her slightly calm down. He moved back and forth softly, groans leaving his lips from time to time. She knew she wasn't going to cum, but she wanted him to feel good. His movements sped up slightly, his fists clenching on either side of her head.

Clenching around him with a wince, he shuddered and pulled out softly, cumming on her stomach. She felt empty as he pulled out, her eyes still teary as she watched him catch his breath.

"You were so good baby..", he mumbled as he flipped them over gently, gripping her thighs and making her open her legs over his thighs, her head laying against his chest as he caressed her body. He moved one of his hands to her spread legs, rubbing her clit softly with two fingers. She moaned against his chest, moving her hips against his hand.

"Such a good girl", he rubbed her faster, a whimper leaving her lips as he pinched her clit, "letting daddy use your body.."

A loud moan left her lips as he moved his fingers even faster, her arousal dripping down his fingers. "Fuck- cum on my fingers, love." She came right after his words, letting out a broken moan as he let her ride out her orgasm. He licked his fingers once she was trembling for him, suddenly flipping them over once again and lowering his body in between her legs. She gasped at his undying smirk, his eyes hooded as he rubbed up and down her thighs.

"We're not done here, darling.."

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