Chapter 7

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Draco sprinted down the stairs from his room, his teeth gritted as he made his way to the front door. He quickly turned the knob as he reached the door, surprised by it being locked.

He looked to the backyard, his eyebrows furrowing as he walked towards the wooded door. He bent down slightly and looked through the small window in the center, his eyes softening when he saw the sight in front of him.

Wren was smiling at the small bunny that was chewing on some grass, her body covered with the long dark green dress he knew she would love. She seemed so happy as she interacted with the bunny that it seemed unreal for her to be happy when she was in here with him.

Words couldn't describe how happy he was that she was with him. He had been looking for her since the day he committed his first crime and went to the asylum because of how ruthless he did it. He had killed her dad.

By the end of seventh year, after the war, he had noticed how afraid she looked to go back home. She always looked scared to go back home. He could've offered her to stay with him but they weren't friends- or even talked to each other.

It took everything in him to not kill her dad the second he saw why she was terrified. Her dad always tried to sneak into her bedroom at night when her mom was sleeping. It made his stomach turn at the sight.

One day she left her home in a hurry, her eyes wide with tears as she left went away and never came back. She found her dad with thirty seven stab wounds including the ones on his eyeballs.

She had never found out Draco had been the one that killed him. And he never wants her to find out.

The people at the asylum didn't even know her father died because they don't know about the magic world. But they do know he killed someone because of the way they found him in the forest after a muggle called them.

After he killed her dad, he had to flee the wizarding world for no one to ever find out it was him. Even after everything he had been through, he doesn't regret it.

As he stayed looking outside, he watched as she bent back up with the bunny in her hand, and sat down on the swing he had installed on the huge tree. She kept smiling at the little creature, his heart clenching at the thought of her smiling at him like that.

She stood up and looked around to the far end, taking another glance at the bunny. He saw it lay down on her hand, rubbing it's small cheek in her thumb.

Looking towards the home, she walked back with it in hand, her full attention on its soft grey fur. She hadn't noticed he was there so he moved back to the side and crossed his arms, waiting for her to walk in. He wanted to see what she would say to him.

As the door open, her head immediately turned to his slight movement, her eyes wide as she stayed still. "I wasn't trying to run away." He just stayed looking at her with his eyes void of emotion, watching as she tried to keep the bunny out of view. He looked at her hand and back at her, his voice coming out deeper than intended.

"You can keep the bunny. I'll bring you food and a bed for it later." Her mouth was gaped open as she looked at him with a light tint to her cheeks, embarrassed that she had been caught. She pulled her hand back to her chest and lowered her head, letting out a small 'sorry'.

He let out a hum and walked away, letting out a small breath as he got out of view. He bit his lip to contain a smile.

He couldn't believe that she wasn't trying to escape in the first place.

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