Chapter 6

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Wren was sitting in her room, looking out to the beautiful garden through the small circle window. She had thought about escaping through it, but it was so small she knew she wouldn't fit.

So she just peered out into the beauty of it, always thinking of going out to see it without a glass in the way. She looked to the door, biting the inside of her cheek as she debated it.

Draco and her hadn't talked since what happened. Of course he still made her food and ate with her, sparing glances to each other around the halls, but he never got the courage to fully speak to her after that.

Standing up from the bed, she opened the closet on the corner of the room that she didn't dare pick clothes out until now. She gasped as she looked inside, seeing he got all of her sizes right.

From shirts, to pants, shoes- she gulped as she looked at the underwear he had got her, lifting up the flimsy one in the back and eyeing the full cotton ones in the front. He bought her both types because he didn't exactly know which one she wore.

Humming in no care, she grabbed the lace one along with the matching bra and walked to the bathroom, the clothes she picked out in her other hand. She had decided to wear a dress up to her calf's that would fit the colors of the garden.

She stepped into the running shower and let the water cascade from her hair down her back. She fluttered her eyes open and looked around, seeing her same lavender and vanilla soap sitting unopened in the little stand.

It was crazy how much he knew about her. But it didn't surprise her considering how much he's been around her without her knowing. She put some on a brown loofah, knowing it was hers because it was her favorite color.

After she was done, she took some of the liquid shampoo form of the soap and lathered it in her hair nicely, letting the suds drip down to her body and down to drain.

Getting out of the shower, she wrapped a white unused towers around her and wiped her hand on the mirror to remove the fog. She took a glance at herself and saw slight bags under her eyes from not sleeping properly.

With a shake of her head, she slipped on her underwear and put on her bra, stepping into the dress afterwards. She gasped at how good it fit her.

It fit like a glove- like it was designed for her body. The dark green suited her pale complexion and her light tinted lips. She was definitely wearing this dress more than once.

Walking out of the bathroom, she dried her hair with the towel, the water not setting her dress because of the length of her hair. She slipped on some shoes from the bottom of the dresser, the black flats matching her outfit.

She twisted the knob quietly and looked out, making sure he wasn't there before she made her way out.

Once she saw the halls were clear, she stepped out quietly and walked down the stairs slowly, careful to not fall with the new flats. She looked around for the exit to the backyard, her eyes stopping on it with a small smile. She had always wanted a yard since she was little.

But since they had a small home, it didn't come with the beautiful yard like the one in front of her. She looked back and opened the door, her smile falling when she heard a loud beep. She walked out quickly and shut the door, her eyes wide until she heard the beeping suddenly stop.

It was stupid of her to not think he would have security with her there. She just shut her eyes for a split second and turned around, her mouth gaping open at the sight in front of her.

The tall grass reached her ankles, different colored flowers blooming in the light green patches. She walked forward, looking up at the blazing sun and smiling wider.

As she strode in deeper, she saw a big tree in the middle of it all, her head tilting back to see it completely.

Leaves were falling from the very top, the colors dark as it fell all around the trunk. She walked in even further back, stopping when she heard a rustle.

A gasp left her lips as she looked to the side, seeing a small grey bunny chewing on some grass. It stopped and looked at her, not making a move to leave.

She bent down down slowly, careful to not alert the small creature. Her dress flowers to her sides and onto the grass as she bent her upper body forward, grabbing some grass and pushing her arm forward.

The bunny looked at her cautiously but took a step forward and nibbled on the fresh grass, Wrens other hand moving to pet it's soft fur. It flinched back slightly but she just shushed it softly, the smile still on her face.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." The bunny seemed to trust her as it got closer to her hand and let her touch him. She giggled at the adorable sight of the bunny in front of her, and let it eat the grass from her palm.

𝙈𝙖𝙮𝙗𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙨𝙤 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙡𝙡.

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