The Murrays

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The Murrays were the complete opposite of each other, if one was light the other was dark as night. They were the power-couple of the school the 'cheerleader' and the 'footballer'. The kind, sophisticated rich girl with the idiosyncratic yet the most popular jock, and ofcourse they were neighbors. Their marriage was held just after the school graduation but noone was invited was it just a hoax or some secret they buried deep within themselves?

"Hey Jill I love your auburn hair, Hi Reginald looking as fit as a fiddle like always." greeted principal Adams. "Wow you still here at this hellhole", Reginald blurted out; and with a silent but effective nudge of his wife he pursed his lips. Her silent eyes moved toward her husband and it was as if a thousand words and an unspoken argument took place there. "It hasn't been a hellhole in quite a while, everything's pretty nice over here actually", replied Principal Adams.

 Suddenly, a small lady with hair as tufts of marsh-mellow with poised grace and incredible deep blue eyes moved towards them. "You must be the 'The Murrays, Oh My God, I have heard so much about you guys. I literally adore you guys. Your slender physique is so hard to achieve! I mean how do you be at a size 0 at 30!" Reginald's jaw dropped starring at this incredibly pretty young lady as if he would savor her in a minute and at her confidence; because her wife was a lioness and she had just triggered that lion out of the cage. He really could do her it a minute, or so he pondered until his wife got a hold of the pretty lady.

"And who might you be?", questioned Jill. "I am none other than the class president, the cheerleader captain and the one and only Penelope Claire Blossom. But you can call me Cat." "You are really beautiful Cat," Reginald replied. "Here are your name cards" she said as she handed both of them a batch with their names printed on a hot dog. "Why a hot-dog, couldn't get creative, could you?" Jill inquired, "Well a little birdie told me that was your favorite food to eat together," a wide grin spread over the Murrays remembering that they hadn't shared a hot-dog in 15 years. They never have one after that last day of school. And they would never have one after today. Never!

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