Tony's secret

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"Well let's start at the beginning. I was not born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I had to earn my way through everything . I got into this school through a scholarship. However in the eighth grade, I liked a girl. Things went sideways from there .As it always does. I  spent all my allowance and my job earnings on buying her pretty gifts. Needless to say it didn't work out. Long story short it ended with her choosing someone far more superior than me"

"And she left you crying" Anderson commented. "Hey! It's my story, let me say it!" Tony said "Okay, yeah you can continue but I'll barge in here and there." Anderson replied.

"Then on one fateful night this begin, my dad got into a pretty ginormous bar fight and ended in the hospital. They said that they needed 25000 rupees; for their doing a coloscopy. They thought he had cancer.

"Oh my god, did he, what happened? Tell us?" Samantha Finley complained "Nobody interrupted Murrays story, why is it me, always me? Let me continue. So, I set out to earn the largest sum of money in the smallest amount of time.  It was pretty much impossible but I was, hell-bent on doing it. Much more determined than anything else in my life, I got debts from my friends but it wasn't enough and Archie wasn't this rich at that time. "Sheesh man, this is what I call a glow up. Nevermind to continue-

 I only got a couple hundred from my friends, consequently, I started selling my belongings. It was definitely heart-breaking but I didn't care. I loved my dad more than anything. He helped me through everything, even when mum left he stood by me, he supported. Selling my clothes and laptops for him didn't even came close to whatever he has done for me."

Inhaling a deep breath Tony continued, "Desperate times called for desperate measures, I couldn't gather that much money, and I might need so many more. So  I went into the dark alleys knowing full well what went ahead. I delivered my first sample that day and they gave me enough funds to pay my hospital bills. Then once in I couldn't get out, it was their gangs one and only rule. Drug dealers don't get a second choice. It's either prison or death for us. But after two years of doing that shit, I wanted to turn over a new leaf as I started college. But they wouldn't let me leave."

"Once a lifeline became a curse. So I pleaded, begged asked for anything to get my life on track. Finally, they agreed. They would allow me to leave only if I did take a big shipment for them. It was coming on Saturday and I was prepared for it. Oh boy! I really wasn't! I didn't expect and I didn't even believe what happened till this day."  

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