Samantha Finley

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The sweet, incredible, proud gay best-friend of Jill Murray was Samantha Finley.  Her deep, crystal clear, hazel eyes and lock of black hair could  have made any guy fall in love with her. Alas, her heart was set on a beauty unworthy of her love. 

She entered with the same flair and jump in her feet as always. 15 years later she still was the same girl but her heart was darkened as if the pain wasn't still there. Not so hidden!

"Hello, welcome to the alumni function after 15 years. You must be Ms. Samantha Finley. I adore your courage, coming out in 1996 that was astoundingly brave! Here's you name card incase people can't recognize you." Penelope Blossom commented  "And how does an incandescent  teenager know about my high school life?" Samantha replied while grabbing the batch with one hand and scanning this young lady . Before Penelope would start blabbing about her obsession with the so called best class on the school, Principal Adams dragged Samantha away from her.

 He knew that she wouldn't rest until every mystery is solved; so he decided to let the flames out before they were ever grew. " Take a seat", he said while he scraped a four legged chair near her. 

"We couldn't explain to the entire school our secret so we had to cover it up by planting fake stories of your class of being the best class of all time." Principal Adams said, Samantha reject that thought, "Why couldn't you have kept it down a notch?" "What by telling how my entire grade failed the finals! So we had to doctor our books and records. Or by explaining how the waking nightmare didn't end and... before he could finish that sentence Samantha changed her plea, "Sorry, but it was the best option for all of us. And don't forget that all the students were  drugged and hospitalized because of your water."

"We agreed to never speak of it again;  and I believe it was made abundantly clear Ms. Finley." Principal said. "Surely we shall not.," Samantha said with her wicked smile, and that only meant one thing  that there was a storm brewing over and it shall take him with it. 

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