Beginning of the end

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 "Okay so now we hear your story! This is going to be so exciting." Tony commented. "Gosh, I just realized we haven't talked 10 years the last time we talked was in the college dude! I meant to stay in touch, in fact we meant to stay in touch and open a bar shop in Kentuky and we were going to spend all that money on gambling and drugs!" "Oh! I remember, it was fantastic plan, I might've gone with most of it but now you're a cop; so I can't tell you all of it, but you'll get the details later, Archie replied.

This time the story or the 'histoire' as people in Paris say," He slid his hand behind his ear and said to Tony "I'll tell you soon". And he continued on to his histoire "So, this one is about the Murrays it happened after their wedding, me and Bill still hung out as friends 'its the sunflower story'.

"No, not that one, anything but that one" Bill Murray replied in complete distortion and confusion. A wicked look came on his face which directed right now is the time dude." No bro, not in front of Principal Adams." "Come on dude; its been 15 years since that it'll be cool."

"Yes! I explicitly want to know it, and not a word Bill, Not! A! Word!" Principal Adams slipped this sentence between their covert remarks and the epiphany of a school classroom and suddenly the room become quieter still somehow.

"Okay so this story graciously begins with the fact that Principal Adams is superior than all of us even after 15 years and dare I say smarter?" "Dare you say, he's definately smarter than Bill and Tony combined" Samantha interrupted. "Yahhh! We all know that! So, lemme start I didn't interrupt your guys pleasure time did I?"

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