The storm has arrived

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As the  bullet passed through from the one end of the circle to the other all of the emotions were present. The remarkable yet not nearly complete expression of brief and remarkable strength and a vicarious sly epiphany of finishing everything just in a monumental moment soon to come was Mr. Waldo.

On the other hand Miss Penelope were so calm and excited that he gaze never shifted from the bullet as she silently saw it going to devour it prey.

While all the other were either in immense shock or in the state of complete betrayal that the last minutes of conversation just didn't completely pass through their pea-sized brain.

Miss Jill saw the miniature thing coming to tear apart her soul, her freedom which she finally achieved after 15 years of hardwork, and immense torture was ripped apart before she even got a chance at it. She though her seeming sweet and thoughtful life would pass before her eyes but all she could think of was all the things she didn't do, because of a stupid father-in-law. Simply, because what the world would think. Not being, with the one which she should have been with. And now she would given anything her life which was literally being taken away as every fraction of a second passed to be with the one she desired. Her love from high-school. The never0ending love.

But Reginald must have heard her plea, her not so charming husband with a widespread grin that seemed to enlighten everyone's room. Her not so loving husband, now came as a Prince on a horse. Well, metaphorically. 

His glided past her in her arms and the only plain thing she saw in his eyes was 'I am sorry for everything.' She couldn't register a simplicity or such an enormous kindness by him that she didn't move a muscle and that's when it her. No, it never passed her. The bullet reeked through the air and stopped in Reginald's rib cage before it reached Jill. 

The crimson blood surrounding her deafened the screams of everyone around her. The blood slowly slid into her hands darkened her white suit and it slowly started to reek.

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