The fight till death

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Let's get back to the Bros before hoes guys, yes they are Archie and Tony along with luck almost all their bullets had run out.They were on their last few rounds and noone was in the mood for asking a last wish.

"Ready or not, here comes death for you!"Principal Adams screamed from the far corner.

"Why is this pillar not big enough for the both of us, who created a pillar so tiny in a school we abandoned 15 years ago! No sense of forgotten architecture!" Tony whispered

"No need to cry over spoilt architecture right now, let's find a way to save me okay then I'll call for help." With a wry look from tony he added, "Okay fine, let's try to save both of us!"

"I have an idea follow my lead." Tony said.

He slowly pulled out his suit and started to yell, "Oh my god, he got me, he got me Archie." Slowly and steadily he started to yell and Archie understood how it was going and he joined in act. "Oh lord, Tony are you okay, he got you in the shoulder. You are bleeding a lot let me find you something to wrap around it, I'll be back fast."

Staying that he ripped Tony's only expensive suit of Luis Lone and threw it across where the Principal could see it and believe their story.

Tony gave a frightful shriek, as his love was stripped away from him, his jacket. His most expensive purchase.Archie almost believed for a second that Tony had got shot.

"Why my Luis Lone? It was the best suit I had?" Tony muttered

"Sorry, small sacrifices have to be made to win big wars. Sometimes like saving people's lives."

"Okay but never do it again and hand me the gun now." Tony ordered and Archie politely agreed.

Then Archie carefully snuck out of the pillar making sure the Principal knew where he went, which was behind the rubble of dust and reaching a corner. The only place where the Principal couldn't shoot from his hiding site.

As he slowly creeped out from his rubble, and started to steadily move towards Archie with his gun pointed to kill. Again and this time he would kill who he meant to, not a bystander first Archie then Tony then Samantha and then finally Jill. Her fate was written by him.

He sinking steps in the broken pieces of pillar were getting closer and closer to Archie while slowly and painfully Tony scraped on the floor trying to get a better angle.

Principal had his hands on the trigger and so did Tony a brief moment of silence when the thunder cracked outside. It send chills through the room raindrops started plummeting on the bad roof and it started to creep all the way through. It took one second to pull the trigger but nonetheless it took a lifetime to prepare for that moment.

Now a maniac killer or trained police officer was better is the question.

Their bullets fired at the same second but one hit and one struck rubble. Fortunately Archie is rather agile and unfortunately, Principal Adams didn't see it coming. The bullet hit him dead center as Tony had learnt in his training and it paid off. He rushed to see his friend.

"I am fine, i think so but he's not. I think he's dead." Archie said completely baffled and confused he was a mafia at face but still a softie at heart.

That's when they heard a second gunshot and a girl scream. They weren't sure about that battle and the winners.

"Let's go to the bio lab!" Tony said as they hurried upstairs to find what hurricane was waiting for them there.

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