Panic leads to disaster

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"And was going to the school a nice idea? Definately not. And did I reach there on my own, it depends on who's telling the story well currently, I am so I did reach there without any help from Archie.." A round of giggles passed through the lot but their intense eyes wanted to implore the solution of the magnanimous problem Tony had created 15 years ago. So without missing a beat he continued.

"We quickly reached to the school. It was as if the cop car had lost it way along the journey or they weren't prepared on us hearing their tires on the muddy compound near the dock, and running for our lives. I soon realized that the police were going to find something very real in my bag the shipment, and when they did I would be sent to jail. My panicking had kicked its way through my body which started shivering from fear. This is when Archie gave his fabulous idea of us hiding the cocaine there. In the school. Yes if the police saw two school children leaving the school at this late hour they would probably think we were quirky teenagers no radical hiding chunks of white powder which just happens to be illegal.

Without the will or the brain to get a better idea I agreed to it. We started actually paying attention to the school equipment and stuff we wouldn't have noticed ever! We went to the locker room, but it was completely looked, god darn the school security was damn good back then. Later on we passed through classes and even library but it was something the police would definitely check through thoroughly. And then we stopped at the water purifier.  We started discussing what other places we could hide it at maybe the terrace, or the garden or sprinkle it on the grass.

All of a sudden I heard a siren. My shivering hand instantaneously dropped the bag in the water purifier and guess my luck, the cocaine dissolved in the water purifier. I immediately pulled out what was left of my sac but it was completely empty. We couldn't deal with wrong delivery massacre just yet so I stuffed my empty bag in my locker and ran to the front of the school.

And what happened next is a tale in its own, one that everyone at the school heard of. Two cars with about 4 policeman tried to search the school throughout the night finding absolutely nothing but a bag of what might have had cocaine. It was absolutely crazy and heart-tripping for me when they searched every possible place in the school except the water. Actually, there was a thirst police officer by the end of the meticulous search and he took the sip of the water and he claimed I quote word to word because I haven't forgotten it yet, "This water tastes a little funky. I like it."

So the police officers finally gave an apology note to the school by the next morning and we were questioned till pretty much the same time. Fortunately, our parents who lived under rocks never realized that we didn't leave early for school. I don't think I have ever been that eager to reach the school. Just to change the water, but by the time we came the damage was done. Most people had drank the water and had gotten high. Roaming around with visions, laughing manically,  and the others starring at them with complete bewilderment. And that's when Principal Adams came in.

Without cajoling his words he said he got the letter from the police station and he knew that we were behind this; but it would be a better story coming from his mouth.

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