Archie Henderson

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Archie was one of a kind, the unique kid who is surprisingly good at the extra-curricular activities but nobody knew his backstory. The way he got new arm slings every other week; or how he suddenly started to wear sunglasses in a school. He wasn't the most optimistic of all but he sure was the one who held his hand over a bag of white stuff, but it probably wasn't salt. 

But this new Archie had grabbed everyone's attention as he entered the room; even Penelope Blossom couldn't counter his high shinning Jordan shoes or those Gucci glasses. He entered with a flair as if he was always that well acquainted with everyone around the room. Lets play 'Spin the bottle' he exclaimed.

Surprisingly all the former classmates agreed when other friendly façade entered. "Tony!" Archie exclaimed. "Always late. Nice to see one thing hasn't changed in the past 15 years, which had to be of course your watch."

Tony was the cameraman, the eyes on the sidelines, the one who knew all the its and bits of drama. Who knew the truth about all the rumors. "Well no time like the present! Where's everyone else? There's just the seven of us." "They'll be here shortly but let's not wait for them." Principal Adams commented that hiding a little smirk beneath his eye. Tony caught that but he wasn't sure that he wanted to hear all the secrets at once.

Everyone formed a huge circle even Principal Adams and Penelope Blossom and then they commenced the game of secrets and lies, truths and betrayals, astounding revelations and assumptions coming true and so much more.

"So lets begin" said Reginald Murray and when it was all over he wished he would have never said those words. He wished that he never came to this party. He wished that he never met his wife. He wished that he never went to this high school. 

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