The end

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Let's rewind a bit before Penelope fired her kill shot, while Penelope was having her significant dialogue and revealing Samantha sob story, Jill was listening intently, looking for something that could help.

With her slow revelations, Jill found the only thing that could help, she tore a long part of her saree silently and she held it tightly in her hands, hoping for the timing to be correct.

She sensed with unnerving tone in Penelope's voice, and knew it was the time to act. It all happened in slow-motion, she pulled the trigger taking her sweet time, while Jill hurried to stand up, the pain in her leg was getting worse by each millisecond, the blood was slowly dripping out of the handkerchief tied to her thigh. She made her strong saree as a hold or small piece of rope and put it under the gun so as Penelope fired she lifted up the small part of saree making the gun in the upright direction and hitting the ceiling instead of any human. Her spontaneous  upright movement made her blood run a litter slower to her brain and she became so dizzy that she didn't even realize when the lights became dimmer and the sound of Penelope screaming became softer and quieter until there was absolutely nothing. Total silence. 

A Knockout!

Fortunately for Samantha as soon as she opened her eyes she discovered that it wasn't yet the time for her death, instead she saw Jill laying down. Her heart clumped down in her hand and she swayed to the ground searching for Jill's heartbeat, it took her about 10 seconds to realize that she was alive just doze off. But, that was all the time Penelope needed to set the gun right and aim again.

But before her strike could yield any fruit, Tony and Archie came from the back and pushed her into the skeleton 'Venkat' and apparently his bony head was good enough to give her a concussion. 

Some minutes later the police came on the scene with paramedics who helped with Jill regaining consciousness, while putting Penelope Blossom in the van with cuffs and when Tony was briefing the cops Archie was hiding behind, well he was still a gangster what do you expect ?All along Jill, was finally getting over the murder and getting on her new relationship.  

After an hour the police finally left and the questions were finally over; but Tony, Archie, Jill and Samantha were still at the school but now at the terrace looking at the view of houses turning out their lights, and looking at the view with only the moonlight shinning over their heads and a beer with each in their hand.

"Hell of a night", Archie started the conversation.

 "Yah, you think? It took only two psychopaths wanting to kill all of us to get us a reunion." Tony continued.

"Maybe we should meet more often, so people don't try to kill us; does that make sense or its the beer getting to my had." Jill said.

  "No, sounds about right." Everyone agreed.

 "Well atleast something good came out of it..." Samantha continued.

"What Jill getting shot or us getting almost shot, or you getting almost shot." Tony said.

"Well, it wasn't anyone getting shot, it was actually having a crazy day after 15 years, man we did have so much fun in school."

"Yahhhhhhh we did!" Everyone repeated it together.

"Remember the time we bugged Ms. Janes office hoping to find answer to the test-

"Instead we found she was having an affair with-

"Mr. Solanki!" "Yaaa! It was so fun!"

"We should meet more often guys what do you think"

"YES! But not to talk about the past."

"Yes" Jill agrees

"What about if we say goodbye to that past today, let's forget our old lives and live the new ones rather fanatically!" Samantha said

"We should." Tony agreed.

"To stupid suits, and sarees saving us and to a goodbye!"

"To Suits, Sarees and Goodbye! Cheers" Everyone clicked their bottles together and they looked over the view and finally felt at peace with themselves.

Suits, Sarees and goodbyeWhere stories live. Discover now