Back to school

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"It is very much like a heist gone wrong almost immediately. the shipment with all kinds of drugs came through the port. It was midnight when I had to collect it. My initial and only plan was to load them out carry them in bags of salt and put them in the kitchen of a restaurant for a night. My uncle was a partial owner so he wouldn't mind me dropping in at the middle of the night. And then deliver it to the gang the following day.

Oh boy, how stupid was I to not have a back-up plan. Ofcourse I was with Archie I wasn't of that feeble mind. Well everything went straight to hell in 5 minutes of this plan. Surprisingly the shipment wasn't that big it was just a couple of boxes with very high powerful, dangerous substances being it heroin or Fitz rocks; I wasn't allowed to be near it even!

So, when we loaded off what looked like boxes of particulate foods, my lookout which was Archie heard something. Now remember this is the middle of the night around 1 p.m. and noone should be at the side of the lake except to deal drugs. But wait, that was my job! So it could be only our archenemies, the police! 

It bought chills to our necks, we weren't prepared for it and I definitely didn't want to go to jail. So what does an incredible stupid teenager do:- he runs away with all his stash and just runs. Archie was headlong with me and he is a bit faster, while running along lonely highways I wondered if he would reach to safety before me. 

But that thought was interrupted with me and a safe space. What was I going to do? I didn't know a safe place. Hell, I couldn't go anywhere. Not at our homes it would be too risky if they saw our faces and dad would get into trouble. That pondering idea also got interrupted by the ever futile question how did the police know about the deal? It was top secret! Nobody should know about it! What would I do if I couldn't deliver a shipment? What would I do if I got caught?

With all these thoughts fuzzing up my bean sized brain I decided to focus all my minute attention span on the most important thing. A safe space. The answer came to me almost immediately and I screamed to Archie, "Let's  go to school."

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