chapter seven

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Monday's have become a routine for me and Aurora now. I have taken her out for a coffee after our session for the last couple of weeks. She is doing great in her sessions and hasn't asked to run once.

I wasn't really sure what to expect being a PT but so far I'm enjoying it. Deep down I know it has something to do with Aurora. She isn't like other women I've been around before. She's quiet and kind and not to mention beautiful.

My mind keeps replaying our night together. Now knowing Aurora a little more, I'm more than sure that one night stands aren't her thing, which leaves me questioning, why did she sleep with me?

I'm currently sat in traffic in the city. I'm heading to my appointment with James. I asked him about recommending someone for Aurora and he said he would ask around and get back to me.

As much as I used to dislike coming to therapy, I must admit it definitely has helped me over the years and even if a session or two even helps Aurora a little, I'll be happy.

Calm down, you don't do this. Letting another fucking woman in your life won't end well.

"So tell me about your week."

Here we go again.

"You seriously need to get a new line." I say my thoughts out loud while chuckling at him. He grins suspiciously at me.

"It's been good." I tell him, putting my jacket over the chair. I relax into the seat and for once I feel calm.

"You seem happy? Why is that?"

Happy? Do I?

"I haven't felt depressed at my situation for a while now to be honest. I'm actually enjoying being a PT."

I never thought I would fucking say that. Football has been my life since I could walk. My mum bought me my first football when I was 5 and I was literally obsessed.

"And have you seen Aurora this week?"

"Yes, I have 4 sessions a week with her."

"I know. How about outside of her sessions?" James lifts his brow at me. I know he knows the answer. He asked me the same fucking question last week.

"Yes. We went out for coffee after her session again yesterday. Same as last week. But you already knew that." I shake my head grinning widely.

"Well this is nice. You have a great energy about you Logan. It's great to see you smiling."

"What you haven't seen me smile before?" I didn't realise it had been that long.

"Not like this. Do you know what has made you happy these past few weeks?"

"Maybe now I've settled in a job. I'm getting my life going again."

James nods at me writing something in his notepad.

"So did you manage to ask around about a therapy session for Aurora by any chance?"

"Ah about that. Unfortunately everyone I asked aren't seeing new clients at the moment, however-"

"That's fucking bullshit! She asked me to help her, I can't tell her there isn't anyone to see her!"

She asked me to find someone and I can't even fucking do that.

James clears his throat, "However, I'm free on Friday at 12pm if she would like to come and talk to me. Free of charge."

I stare at him lost for words.

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