chapter twenty-five

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Daddy let me do it!"

"Your not strong enough yet darling, maybe when your a big girl."  He ties the anchor around the hook tightly so we come to a stop.

"I am a big girl! Mommy says all the time that I am."

"Yes you are Rory, you are my big girl." My Mom comes behind me picking me up and spinning me around.

"Alright, you ready for it?"

"Yes! I got my camera!"

Watching the sun from the sea is magical. It's like your captivated in another world. Well, for an 11 year old it is anyway.

We have been on the boat nearly a week now and I managed to capture every sunrise and sunset.

"Come here you two, I want one of me and both my girls." Dad props the camera up on the side as we all pose as the most beautiful sunset is happening behind us.

I love taking photos. I told Mom and Dad I want to do it when I'm older.

My parents are the best. They always cook me the best food, and we come on holidays regular.

I go to bed that night such a happy little girl.

"Morning baby."

Logan? Why is he here, on the boat?

"Did you miss me? Because let me tell you, I missed you so fucking much."

"Why are you here?"

"What do you mean baby? Where else would I be?"

He kisses my neck as I look down at my body. Fully grown woman body may I add.

Wow that happened fast.

"Knock knock! Are you two lovebirds up yet?"


Jumping off the bed  I run over to the door nearly pulling it off it's hinges. My Mom stood there in a beautiful white linen dress.

"You coming for breakfast?"

Logan snakes his hand around my waist as I nod.

My Dad is in the kitchen cooking as we all take a seat at the table.

"Rory? Your quiet this morning, did something happen?"

"I just-" Shaking my head I continue. "I can't believe you and Dad are both alive, and we are here, on the boat again."

Everyone starts laughing hysterically.

"What?" I shrug.

"Did you have too much wine last night?"

Mum feels my head with her hand. My brows furrow aa I push her hand away.

"And why are you here?" I turn to Logan sat beside me.

"Rory, that's no way to speak to your fiancé! What has gotten into you?"

I spit out my juice. "My what?!"

"Baby, are you not feeling well?" Logan puts his arm around my shoulder.

"You proposed?"

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