chapter four

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A few days later I'm heading back to the gym for my PT session with Logan.

He can't have been serious about wanting me to come back to his the other day. We definitely can't sleep together again.

"Hey Aurora." I spin around as I hear my full name.

Logan stands behind me, his muscles look incredible in the tight gym vest he wears. I gulp at the sight of him.

"What are we doing today?" I ask, placing my hands on my hips, trying to distract myself from checking him out.

"How about we start off with the circuit, then we can hit the weights?"

I nod and get straight to it, hardly speaking a word to him.

Logan has recommended a session 4 times a week in 1 and a half hour slots. I told him I can't do mornings, as he already knows I work at the bar, so we agreed on 2pm for the session time.

"That's great, just squat a little lower next time." Logan circles me as I do the circuit, I'm sure he has looked at my ass a few times already.

I'm about an hour in and my heart is pulsing like crazy. This is the adrenaline I like to feel. To clear my mind from everything and everyone.

"Alright, you did well. Let's end it there today."

I frown checking my watch. What?

"I have another half hour left." I state bluntly.

"You have done plenty today though. For your metrics and measurements, you have worked your body enough-"

"No, I know when to stop." I was just starting to feel good. I need to get on the treadmill now.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Logan pulls my arms back to stop me standing on the machine.

I ignore him and start my run.

"Aurora you need to get off there now. You have already done enough today!"

I ignore him, speeding up the machine as my heart hammers in my chest.

"Hey!" I hear Logan yelling. "Aurora stop!"

He reaches over to the stop button, cutting the machine off.

I storm off without even looking at him.

"Hey, what the hell was that?!" He starts whisper yelling at me, reaching for my arm to stop me from walking away.

"You don't need to run Aurora, you have worked your body enough today. Trust me I know."

"You know nothing." I spit at him. "I don't need you telling me what to do, I need to run."

I must sound crazy but I'm past caring right now. I see his brows furrow, trying to understand what just happened.

"Look, go have a shower and cool down. I'll see you tomorrow alright?"

I nod as I turn into the changing rooms, tears pricking my eyes as I feel my hands starting to shake.

I need to get out of here.


"So how are your PT sessions going?" Gabby asks as we fill the glasses up on the bar. It's Friday night so we will be busy as soon as we open.

"They aren't. I didn't show up today."

"What?! Why?" Gabby stares at me.

"He told me to stop running and you know I can't do that. I need to run."

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