chapter thirteen

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Being here with Logan tonight has been nothing but amazing, until one of his previous conquests decided to interrupt us.

But the way he called me his girl infront of her. The way he is looking at me right now I know he wants this, I know he wants me.

"If you want to be of course?" He leans over to me reaching for my hands.

I place them in his hold, giving him a smile.

"Hey, I'm sorry about her, she was just someone I used to know who used me while I was a footballer."

His eyes flick between mine, I can feel the honesty radiating from him.

"Thank you for telling me, and sticking up for us." I tell him.

"Of course baby, I will always be honest with you. How about we have dinner and you can ask me anything you want to know."

I decide to order a chicken pasta dish. This restaurant has so many good choices, I couldn't pick one at first, the waiter recommended my meal and it didn't disappoint.

I also was aware of how expensive this place is and I didn't want to pick anything I couldn't really afford.

"Did you enjoy your food?" Logan asks me after I place my knife and fork down.

"Mm I did, it was delicious. Thank you for bringing me here."

"Your welcome. We can always come again if you enjoyed it."

"Have you been here before?"

"Yeah actually, one time for my football coaches birthday. It was some years ago now but I always knew when I met someone special I wanted to return and share the view with them." He grins at me, he looks so handsome tonight. I honestly can't believe I'm here with him.

I blush at his comment.

He thinks I'm special? He needs to stop with these sweet comments and gestures, I already have butterflies exploding in my stomach. My feelings for this man are getting stronger each moment we spend together.

I glance out to the view. It is spectacular up here, I love that Logan brought us here.

"Would you like a dessert?"

"Oh no, it's fine honestly."

"Are you sure? I'm really in the mood for some Tiramisu. We can share one?"

I chuckle. "Alright then."


"Thank you for tonight, I've had a great time." I tell Logan as we drive to my Aunt's house.

"Me too baby." His hand squeezes my thigh.

Logan was a complete gentleman and paid for our meal tonight. Never before did I think this is what a happy dating life feels like.

My hate and anger towards my ex gave me such a negative outlook on relationships and not really having anyone to speak to and ask for advice, I buried my feelings and expectations.

But, I want to be loved, I want to fall in love, I want to have a future with someone, I want all of that with the man I'm supposed to be with.


I look over to him, his right hand holding the steering wheel while his left hand is gripping my leg. I don't want to lose this feeling, I haven't felt happiness in a long time.

I drop my gaze down to my lap. I wish my parents could meet Logan, that they could see how happy I am since I met him.

"Baby? What's wrong?" Logan gently touches my cheek.

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