chapter fourteen

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"So you like her then?" Luke winks at me.

"Yes, of course I fucking like her." Stating the obvious.

It's Friday night and I'm out with Harry and Luke at a bar in the city. I told them about my date with Aurora and now they keep pestering me about it.

We had such a good night on Tuesday and I'm so happy she is mine. It's taken a lot for me to get where I am today and I finally got out of my head and opened myself up to another chance at love.

I can't believe I'm thinking about being in love again but Aurora does that to me. Her beautiful face, her sexy body, her kind and friendly personality. My heart races just at the mere thought of my girl.

I suddenly have a brilliant idea.

"Let's go boys. I wanna see my girl."

"Wait, what?" Harry shouts after me as I start heading for the exit.

We all climb into my car as I let them know where we are heading. I can't wait to see her face. I know she is working tonight, she told me this morning when I called her.

"You are fucking whipped man." Harry slaps my back as we enter the club.

My eyes staring straight at the bar in hopes to see Aurora. My chest drops when I don't see her there. Maybe she is out the back or something. I hang out at the bar while the lads order some drinks.

My head is turning in every direction keeping my eyes peeled for a certain blonde haired girl.

Disappointment soon turns to worry when I've been here nearly 30 minutes and still no sign of her.

Stay calm Logan, she will be alright.

"I thought you were here for your girl?" Luke shouts over to me.

"Yeah me too, but she's not here. This is the side of the bar she usually works at."

"How about we ask that guy?" He points over to the male bartender who looks slightly familiar. I think this guy has worked with Aurora before while I've been here.

Pushing my way through the crowds, I reach the bar and the bartender spots me straight away.

"Logan Walker." He states nodding at me.

"Hey, do you happen to know where Aurora is?" I try and keep my voice calm as if I'm not freaking out right now.

"Oh yeah, she wasn't feeling well so she's in the back. Think she was heading home actually."

Before he has even finished his sentence I'm making my way through to the back to find her. As I open what I remember to be the staff room door I silently pray she is still here.

"Logan? What are you doing here?"

I hear Aurora's voice. She is sat on a chair bent over clutching her stomach.

"Baby, what's wrong? Are you ok?" I rush towards her, my fingers tuck some loose strands of hair behind her ear.

"What are you doing here? You can't come into the staff room?" She quietly mumbles. Her eyes gaze over my crouched body.

"I wanted to come see my girl. What's happened baby? The bartender said you weren't feeling well." I ask, concern evident in my voice.

"Oh, I'll be fine. I'm just waiting for my Uber to take me home."

I shake my head, "No Aurora. I'll take you."

She grips my arm as I stand. "No it's ok, I'm not sick I just- uh-" She blushes as she speaks, not meeting my eyes.

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