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They fixed the crown on their head and prepared the meeting room for the guest they would be having soon. They knew they were the king of the SMP, but they had also figured out that it was just a title bestowed upon them by Dream. Dream could easily take it away from them and do whatever he wanted. Their hopes for normality and peace were no more, they should have known their betrayal wouldn't have had the results they wanted. Now they were just known as a traitor with no trust.

It sucked having no trust, especially now when they wanted to help them find Tommy. Sure, Eret wasn't a part of L'manburg, but they also knew what Dream was doing was wrong. They couldn't stand for something like this, as hypocritical as it sounded. They were the cause for their first deaths after all and there wasn't a day where they hadn't regret what they had done to them. Eret knew they wouldn't be standing up to Dream if Dream wasn't the cause of so much chaos now. The SMP had finally reached a moment of peace between L'manburg, and that was ruined now with Dream's actions. If there was one thing that Eret didn't like, it was war. They had just wanted everyone to get along and have fun.

Eret was soon alerted of the guests' presence when they heard them talking down the hallway. They had opened the door and made their way to the seat at the head of the table. They had watched Tubbo and jack walk in first, followed by The Angel of Death, Philza, and lastly the President of L'manburg, Wilbur. With how serious Wilbur and Philza looked, they felt a little bit intimidated. They had never properly met Philza and though they would like to get along with the infamous hybrid, they doubted that the man felt the same about them, especially if Wilbur had told him about their betrayal. They doubted Philza would get along with the one responsible for two of his son's first deaths.

"Good afternoon gentlemen, please take a seat, we have much to discuss."

The men went to take a seat, but Philza stood in the back, watching the meeting with a grim expression. It had made Eret feel as if the hybrid was holding a sharp talon to their throat, watching for any slip-up or excuse to dive down and snuff out their life.

Wilbur folded his hands together on top of the table, "As you know, Dream has taken our Vice President and now threatens L'manburg with his life. As you know, this threat is a declaration of war. Though we have no intention of dissolving, we also can't have Dream harming our Vice President. For the safety of our citizens, we are preparing for war. I know you wish for peace, that is a goal we both share. Neither of us wants needless bloodshed and this can be accomplished, though this is not something L'manburg can accomplish by itself since war involves more than just one people."

Eret knew Wilbur had his way with words, that was how he was able to gather so many people behind a common cause. The man had always made a great leader, Eret wished they could say the same about themselves. Though Eret had been surprised with where Wilbur was going with this, the man was asking them for help. The man they had betrayed was setting aside his grudge for the sake of L'manburg and his little brother. Wilbur really was a great man.

Eret nodded, "I know what you are trying to say, and you do not need to worry. We both share a common goal. I do not plan on launching an attack on L'manburg, though we will have to defend ourselves if you plan on attacking yourself."

Wilbur scoffed, "We're too fragile to start another fight."

Eret hummed, "Then I guess we have nothing to worry about. I can promise you that I and some of the other citizens of the SMP will help provide you with supplies to fortify your defenses and increase your odds in case you are forced into an offensive position. Though I cannot promise you that Sapnap, George, and Punz will not ally themselves with Dream. Everyone else is tired of Dream's tyranny. They were happy that war was finally over, only for Dream to cause another."

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