Ayup, manipulation

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Phil sat in the nest with a face of serious concentration. He was focused on one of his ancient books. Tommy wasn't sure what it was, since it was written in a language, he wasn't fluent in. He had been flipping from page to page, analyzing the text for a few hours now. He would set the book down on an open page and Techno would come in with more books and scrolls for him. He did the same thing with those texts, running his fingers across the symbols, underlining what he had assumed were important parts. He watched with curious eyes as the man connected the text with text from other books and scrolls, he had set out.

As he watched Phil piece together all his research, he could see his blue eyes wide, and the corner of his lips turn up in a smile. The man shot up.

"I've got it!"

Tommy narrowed his eyes at the work, leaning over in an attempt to understand what the big discovery was,

"What did you find out?"

Techno and Wilbur came over at Phil's claim. They seemed to understand what was happening. Tommy pouted, feeling a little left out for not being told about the important information.

Phil turned to him with a wide grin, "I've found a way to reattach your wings."

The blonde froze and furrowed his brow at the claim. He wasn't quite sure how to feel about that. He had done just fine without his wings. Dream didn't have wings, he said he didn't need them.

"...But Dream said that I didn't need wings. He said I could injure or kill myself from a flying accident."

Phil's jaw tensed and his feathers puffed out. The sudden signs of hostility made him scoot further away from the other. Though as soon as his father noticed, he relaxed and gave him an apologetic look.

"Dream has lied to you many times."

He bit the inside of his mouth and gave a small nod. He knew Dream lied about some things, but he wasn't sure what were lies and what were truths. He might have known before, but now it all just blended together.

"This was another lie that he told you."

Tommy shrunk back, "How was it a lie?" He didn't ask because he didn't believe Phil. He asked because he wanted to know why it was a lie. He wanted to believe that it was okay to have wings, that it was okay to be... well... him. He had spent so long listening to all of the things Dream had taught him. He had spent so long denying himself and who he was for the masked man because that's what was best for him. So, was it wrong that his blood screamed for him to fly, to be free? Dream said it was, but Phil didn't agree. Phil was the avian, he was the one with wings and Dream wasn't, so wouldn't his father's opinion on the subject carry more validity?

"We are avian, Tommy, we were born with wings for a purpose. Wings aren't dangerous and neither is flying, if you learn to fly properly... though since you didn't have a proper teacher during your sensitive period of development, it will be a bit harder for you to learn to fly once your wings are reattached. It won't come as instinctually as it would if you started early, but you would still be able to learn to, especially with a great teacher such as myself."

Tommy couldn't help but feel the spark of excitement with the hope of being able to fly. He instinctively flexed his wing muscles at the thought but frowned when he didn't feel the flex extend to what would have been the muscles in his wings. No, those had been cut off and stored inside Wilbur's enderchest.

"When you learn to fly, I will be there to teach and guide you. You won't have to worry about falling or flying into anything, I will be there to catch you. Not only that, but with wings, you have extra safety. If you're ever in a tight spot and need to escape from mobs or someone who is attacking you, you can fly away."

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