Let's fly home

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Tommy waited in the living room for Techno and Phil to arrive. He had messaged Phil earlier today to ask when they would be arriving home. Phil had told him they finished collecting the Totems and were already on their way back. He had been waiting on the couch since he first woke up. He had his arms crossed with an unchanging scowl, which to Wilbur, looked more like a grumpy pout. Though, Wilbur wouldn't mention it, because even if he thought the other looked adorable, his little brother was genuinely angry. He didn't want to accidentally upset him even more with his teasing.

The blonde anxiously bounced his leg as Wilbur brought over some tea to calm him.

"Once they get back, I'm gonna stab them so hard."

"With what? I confiscated all of the knives after the earlier incident."

"With my knife-hand."

Wilbur just raised his brow, "Mhm?"

It seemed like Wilburs assumption was correct because Tommy did not reply or elaborate with a humorous quip. He just gave a sharp nod of his head and continued to glare at the table. The brunet sighed and set the cup down. The blue eyes shifted to the cup and he went for it. Wilbur wasn't sure if he had seen anyone drink tea as aggressively as his little brother just did. He would fear for his father and Techno if he didn't think this anger was well deserved. All he could hope for was that the two of them apologized and didn't decide to leave again.

"Should I just message Phil to see how much longer it will be?"

"No, he should be back soon."

Tommy sighed and lifted his cup up to his lips before drinking the rest of the tea. Once he finished the tea, the doorknob to the front door turned and the door opened. The blonde whipped his head to the door and threw the cup at the wall next to the head of the first person who walked in, which happened to be Phil. Phil flinched back at the sudden clash of porcelain then turned his head to look back in the direction it came from. He looked straight into glaring blue eyes and sighed as he stepped around the glass, Technoblade following close behind.

Wilbur sat next to Tommy on the couch as they watched the other two awkwardly stop, standing behind the coffee table across from the other two. It was obvious that the two had no idea what was happening. Neither of them did let the others know that they had planned this conversation.

"Sit, we need to talk." Tommy deadpanned

"Where?" Phil gestured to the room. They had moved the other furniture to make room for the nest.

"The floor."

"Toms, we're not gonna sit on the floor," Techno grunted

"Wouldn't be the first time you two didn't do as I asked." Tommy spat with all the passive aggression he could manage.

Phil winced then went to hide his wince by pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing.

Techno was quick to defend, "We did it for your own good."

"Oh please, like I haven't heard that before."

"Okay, that was probably a bad choice of words." Phil tried to reason, "We did this because we thought it would be something that would make you happy."

"How would killing someone make me happy, especially after I told you not to?"

"Well, that's why we got someone who was willing. Besides, no one actually died in the end."

"That doesn't matter! What mattered was the fact that you were planning on doing it! If there hadn't been an ultimatum, you would have killed Ranboo! You would have given me a sleeping potion...you...you broke my trust." Tommy's yelling died down at the end, his voice cracking with a chirp.

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