He's one slippery boi

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"Oh, Samie Wamie?~" The voice echoed from the entrance of the base but was soon drowned out by the loud sounds of the secret entrance closing off. Ponk turned his head to examine the large base. He had noted that a lot of things have changed since he had last been there. There had been many advancements and upgrades.

Normally, Ponk would go through any chest he sees, especially if they belonged to Sam, but this time he walked right past the chests to look for the creeper hybrid. He noticed a few redstone contraptions and continued walking until he noticed a similar one that was still under construction. He walked up into the area that was mined into the wall. The first thing he noticed was the drop, then the second was Sam.

Sam looked tired, but also very excited. He knew how the man would get. As soon as he starts a project, he doesn't stop until it is finished.

"Hey Sammie"

Sam jumped, not expecting the sudden visitor. He looked up from the pit he was in, "Oh, hey Ponky, it has been a while!"

Ponk stepped back as Sam crawled out of the pit. He extended his hand towards the other to help pull him up. The larger green hand took the others and pulled himself out. He dusted off his clothing before giving the smaller man a hug.

"What brings you here?"

Ponk wondered how he would explain things to Sam. It would take too long, and this was a time-sensitive case. Sam was gone for a while; he knew nothing of L'manburg or the recent events.

"Um... well. A few others and I were wondering if you could help us."

Sam perked up, he was always happy to help his friends, "What do you need my help with?"

"Well... in defeating Dream?" Ponk's voice went higher at the end, forming the sentence into more of a question.

"Defeating Dream? Why would I do that?" He was friends with Dream. Sure, they haven't interacted in a while, but they were still on good terms.

Ponk rubbed the back of his head, "Oh well... recently he has been very controlling. He doesn't let anyone do anything if he doesn't like or approve of it. That and he kidnapped Tommy and is holding him hostage so he can get some others to do what he wants."

Sam paused, "Hold up, kidnapped? Hostage? Who's Tommy anyways?"

"A very loud kid, kinda obnoxious, annoying, and mischievous. He and his older brother have been causing Dream some trouble. Though as soon as things calmed down and were resolved, Dream went and kidnapped the guy."

"Wait, Tommy is a kid? So, Dream kidnapped a child and is now holding him hostage to threaten his family?" Sam frowned; he wasn't sure how to feel about this. Dream had been his friend and now he just kidnapped some kid. There had to be more to this. The Dream he knew wouldn't do something like that.

"What happened for him to do that?"

"uuhh... well, long story short. Wilbur, Tommy's older brother, started his own country on the SMP. Dream thought it was ridiculous and he wasn't having it. He said they couldn't start their own country and govern themselves, so Dream started a war with them."

"Wait you guys were in a war?" Sam was a little more than shocked. He really was living under a rock.

"Yeah, Dream, Sapnap, George, and Punz fought Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo and Eret, before Eret betrayed them and joined the SMP. Dream won after killing Tommy in a dual, but apparently, Tommy gave Dream some discs and Dream decided they could have their independence. It was pretty quiet after that; things went back to normal. Then Dream decided to kidnap Tommy out of nowhere. He showed up after our search part for him and held up his shirt saying, 'I have Tommy and if you don't do what I say, I can't promise I won't harm him.' Or something like that."

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