God finally, like geez, holy shit.

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When Tommy woke up, the first thing he noticed was the pain. He had a killer headache and his back felt like a bitch. Then he noticed he had woken up on his back. He hadn't slept on his back since his wings first came in. It felt... wrong. It felt like they were still there, but they weren't. He had tried to move them, all he felt was the ghost of the muscles that once connected wings to his back.

He looked down and noticed he was wearing new clothing, but most specifically, a new shirt. Tommy hadn't worn a shirt since his wings first started pushing out. Dream had never given him a shirt because he couldn't find one to accommodate his new appendages. He supposed now he didn't have to worry about it. Thinking of Dream, where was he? He was on the cold stone floor, in a medium-sized room lit by torches. That thing was looming about in the corner as it ever did.

That thing... that thing had stabbed him, it had held him down, it broke his wings, it allowed Dream to- it allowed Dream to-

"Tommy shut up."

Tommy hadn't even realized that he had been peeping. Peeping like a baby bird in distress, calling out for its mother. He had hated the way that a part of him had felt relief when he had heard that man's voice. When he felt the hand on his head, he leaned into the warmth. His insides screamed at him to stop, but it was cold, and he was so terribly alone.

Dream sighed, sounding a little less irritated, "How many times must I go over this. You don't peep, that's not what we do. If you ever need me, just call my name. Now, what did you need?"

Tommy peeked up at the other before turning his eyes to the creature in the corner, then back to the other's green eyes, "W-well...It was dark, and I got scared... and-and... why did you have to cut off my wings... it hurts so much."

Dream's hand left his head and dropped onto his shoulder, his grip tightening, "Well, I had to teach you a lesson, didn't I? You had forced my hand, I didn't want to do that, but you had disobeyed. And as your caregiver, it is my job to take care of you. All parents must punish their children if they did something wrong, it's how they learn. I did it for your own good."

Tommy pouted and lowered his head into his arms as he draws his knees closer into his chest, "I...I'm sorry I made you do it."

Dream lowered himself to place a kiss at the top of his head, "It's okay, children make mistakes. Now you won't make the same mistake. I have forgiven you through your punishment."

"But... but why the wings?" His tone had been so soft, so fragile.

"Oh, Tommy." Dream gently consoled him, "Would you rather I break your legs?"

Tommy shook his head at that.

"You didn't need your wings, Tommy. I didn't want to but had to punish you, so I tried to make the punishment as light as possible and went for something you wouldn't need. Look at me, I don't have wings, and you're mine, right? So, you don't need wings either."

Tommy looked down; caretaker did make a point. If he was like caretaker, then he could do fine without wings, he shouldn't have had them in the first place . But he should have wings, he's Phil's so afterall. But didn't he give up parenting you to leave with Techno? He gave you to Wilbur, and Wilbur doesn't have wings either. That was true, Wilbur, Techno, and Dream all got along just fine without wings... he didn't need them, but it would have been nice to have them. That could have been the thing that brought him closer to Phil. He had always wanted to be closer to his father. But taking the wings was a better outcome than your legs.

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