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Tommy opened his eyes to be greeted by a familiar small room. This wasn't like the other two bases he stayed at; this was Dream's base that was close to his house. He looked past the chests, to the small crawl hole used to get in and out. They wouldn't have been able to transport him through the crawl hole while he was unconscious, so that meant- the blonde turned his head to see the tall creature, hunched over in the corner. He was teleported.

Tommy did not like the new guy if they were even a person. The thing was far too tall for this base, it just stood there, menacingly. It had been staring at him, probably watching him while Dream was away. Its eyes were absent, its jaw hung open. Its head twitched around every once in a while. How did it even find a suit that could fit the things long limbs? It was ridiculous. Not to mention that thing had stabbed him. Yup, he did not like it.

Tommy glanced back to the crawl hole. He was so close to his home, he was so close to L'manburg, to Wilbur, to Tubbo, to even Phil and Technoblade. He had forgotten they were coming over. Wilbur even told him Phil would teach him to fly. He ruffled his feathers. Well, he would have to wait to learn how to fly, once his feathers molted and his primary feathers grew back it. He would also have to convince Dream to let him.

He gulped and glanced to the crawl hole

He wouldn't have to convince Dream if he got back to L'manburg and the crawl hole was right there. Freedom was right there. But caretaker wouldn't like that. But there was nothing wrong with visiting his family, Dream wouldn't be angry, would he? He would come back. You'd be putting yourself in danger, caretaker wants to make sure you're safe. Yeah, he was on his last life, but he wasn't going to do anything dangerous. There's no war going on, he wouldn't be fighting. He would be seeing his family, his kin. But caretaker is our kin. As kin, shouldn't he want him to interact with his other kin? It would be nice to be able to get them all together, so he could spend time with all of his kin. Wouldn't it be nice if he could get them all to get along? It would be nice. There, then it was settled. He would go to L'manburg, meet his family, spend time with them, and convince them that Dream was a good guy, a friend, family. Kin.

Tommy grinned. So, that was that. He pushed himself off the bed and ruffled his uncomfortable feathers. He really needs to learn to preen them, or they would always be uncomfortable. He walked towards the crawl hole, which was only a few steps away. He glanced at the tall creature.

"Um... well... see you later big guy?"

He tucked his wings tight against his back and got onto the ground. He stuck his head through the crawl space and began to push himself through. Though that soon stopped once he felt a tight grip on his ankles. He let out a yelp as he was quickly yanked out of the hole. Once he was out of the hole, he glanced back to see that smiley face.

"Dream, you're back!" he smiled, but it soon dropped when the man took his mask off to reveal his face. Dream was not happy.

"I guess you failed your test."

Tommy frowned, "What test?"

"I was waiting to see what you would do here on your own. I was seeing if you would take what you learned in your lessons and make the right decision. But you didn't and you tried to leave."

Tommy felt his heart drop. He would have listened to his inner self instead of trying to reason with himself. He could see Dreams eyes change to a look of pity.

"I'm sorry Tommy... I don't want to do this, but you've forced my hand."

It was as if his lungs stopped working, he couldn't breathe. That was what Dream said when he had to do something that would cause him pain. He just tried to leave, the number one rule that Dream had set up from the beginning. He broke it.

He could feel something holding him down. The creature was sitting on his legs. He gasped when he felt the thing grab his wings and bend them back, too far back. His wings were not meant to bend that way. He screamed when he felt the bones snap. Hot tears stung his eyes as they ran down his face. Through blurry eyes, he saw the man pull out his enchanted netherite sword. He shook his head and began to struggle.

"no no no no... please...please, Dream. I'm sorry please d-don't do this. please."

His heart picked up and he tried to push himself away even harder, but the creature was unyielding, and he couldn't get anywhere. He franticly shook his head, his face hot with tears and fears. He didn't even notice the warmth that spread beneath him. He didn't even notice that he pissed himself scared.


Tommy screamed as he felt the sword dig under the skin on his back. He screamed as he felt the sword push forward, cutting through muscle and bone. The, the pain was gone. His skin was pale and clammy. His body was shaking. His heartbeat was far too fast. And his vision... his vision was blurring, going dark. His eyes caught Dream's; he had been covered in blood. His eyes slowly lowered, but everything went completely dark before he could see...before he could.

"He couldn't have gotten far." Wilbur slammed his hands on the table.

"My crows have been searching, so far they didn't see any land being dug out, or any secret passages opening. They haven't seen him or Tommy either." Phil stressed.

"Punz, please tell us anything that could help." Wilbur pinched the bridge of his nose. Tommy was in danger, they needed to find him soon.

"He doesn't have any other bases. He could have escaped to his base near Tommy's house or to the one you raided not too long ago. If he did, they could be long gone now. Dream could have dug another tunnel from one of those bases and covered his tracks. He could be in a whole other secret underground base by now."

"Damn it!" Wilbur kicked the table

"They couldn't have gotten far. Tommy was injured. Dream would have had to dig out a new base from one of his old ones, but he couldn't have dug too far, just enough to not be found. Then he would have to heal Tommy. Carrying an injured person would have made them slower. We could dig out all around his bases, go as far as we need." Techno reasoned.

"Oh, I can provide a beacon to make mining faster." Sam included.

Eret hummed, "If we all dig at the same base, then we will cover more ground faster. We would also have the upper hand if we come across Dream. If we spread out, it will thin our offense and make us weaker if we engage with Dream. He could overpower a small group. But he won't be able to overpower us if it is all of us."

Sam got out of his seat, "I'll go get my beacon and we can sta-"

He was cut off as Ranboo teleported into the room. It was obvious that he wasn't awake. The enderman hybrid dropped a large package wrapped in cloth onto the table before teleporting out again. The people in the room stood around the table, silent and unsure.

"It stinks of blood." Techno's voice was low and dangerous as he spoke.

Phil reached a hesitant hand out to the package. He slowly untied the string and picked up the card that was under it. He opened it and read it.

"A warning." He stated, "And it is signed with a smiley face."

The room was tense and grim. Phil grabbed the edge of the cloth and quickly unwrapped it. Phil fell to the ground, eyes wide, in visible shock.

Technoblade took a step forward and glanced at the package. He pulled out his sword in dangerous silence before leaving the room.

Now Wilbur was really curious. He took a few steps forward and peered in, then froze.

"These.... These are Tommy's wings."

Phil could feel the phantom pain in his own wings, well, the base of them where they connected to his back.

"Dream cut them off."

The wings were soaked in blood, they could see where the bone and muscle had been cut. Hell, they could even see some of Tommy's skin that was connected to them. 

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