Hide and seek took a wrong turn, am I right bois?

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Yesterday did not go well. It had been a good morning and he thought the day would have been fun. Hanging out with Tubbo. Instead, it had been terrible. Phil had to pick him up and carry him home like he was an incapable child. But in a way, he was. That was what Dream had told him. Though it was embarrassing for him to just suddenly have a breakdown and be carried away while Ranboo and Niki were watching. Sure, Ranboo had seen him in worse positions when he was with Dream, but it still sucked.

When they had gotten home, Phil had wrapped him up in a warm blanket. Wil had pulled his head into his lap and played with his hair. Techno got up and made them hot chocolate. He had drunk the hot chocolate before retreating back into his blanket cocoon. The others tried to get him to cheer up with games and banter, but he just curled up even more. Though he had perked up when he heard Tubbo at the door. Though he was upset when the boy was there only to drop off what he had helped bake earlier and did not plan on staying.

When Tommy woke up the next morning, no one could tell if it would be an off day or an okay day. The boy didn't seem to have any nightmares, but he seemed a little withdrawn like he wasn't completely there. His blue eyes would be focused at one moment but would zone out the next. He wasn't as responsive either, giving short and quiet answers or just not hearing anything said at all. Because of his current withdrawn state, Wilbur was on edge and far more overprotective than he had been the past few days. He wouldn't leave his younger brother's side.

Tommy sat in his nest, leaning against Wilbur's shoulder. The man was playing a game of solitaire the last time he processed what was happening. He had been watching him play, but the longer he watched, the more out of focus everything became. He stared at the cards, zoned out of everything else. He didn't process anything that was going on. He didn't take in any conversation that was happening around him. Though he did zone back for a second when he felt something nudging at his lips.

Tommy realized that Wilbur had been trying to feed him one of the cookies that Tubbo had brought over. He was trying to focus, trying to fight a losing battle to his daze. He parted his lips to take a small bite. It seemed to satisfy his brother because he pulled the cookie out of his face. He tried to chew, but he didn't have the energy to eat. The cookie seemed too sweet, too dry, too much of everything. He swallowed it down. Just as he was about to zone back out, the cookie was lifted back to his lips again. This time he frowned and just turned his head into the other's side so he wouldn't have to deal with eating.

There was a conversation he didn't pay attention to.

"Hey, Wil, just leave him alone for now, mate."

Wil sent Phil a glare and a warning growl, "Oh like how you do it? Just pull a disappearing act? Yeah, that worked out pretty well didn't it."

Phil sighed, "...You know that's not what I meant."

Wilbur rolled his eyes, "Do I? I'm not sure I can say, it's not like I know you well enough to tell."

Techno grumbled from his seat at the table. He had been peeling potatoes for lunch.

"Well, I am here now."

Will bore his teeth, "So you're here now, hu? What good does that do? You can be here now, but when we were younger and needed you, you just left. I can understand Techno, since he was an adult. He could leave and do what he wanted. Sure, you were an adult too, but you were also a parent. You had responsibilities that you abandoned. I had to take care of Tommy all by myself. And now you suddenly want to step into the picture and take him from me?"

Phil grimaced, "That's... Wil, I'm not trying to take anything from you. I... I never knew you felt that way about me leaving. I never thought there was a problem, especially because you decided to go out on your own with him instead of staying back home."

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