Philza, the only man ever.

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"Wilbur, it's fine. I play with knives all the time."

Tommy grinned as he waved the kitchen knife around.

"I know I know, but what if you were to get hurt?"

Wilbur had his arms held out in caution as he slowly tried to get closer to the other in an attempt to take the knife from the feral gremlin.

"When have I ever hurt myself before? I'm a big man! A big man with an even bigger knife!"

The mischievous grin left the boy's face when his socks caused him to slip on the kitchen's tile floor. His eyes widened as he fell back.

"Tommy!" Wilbur gasped and lunged forward in an attempt to catch the boy, to prevent the knife from injuring the boy.

Tommy was too in shock to react in time, but the two brothers had been in luck. He didn't fall far, instead, he was stopped before he got close to halfway down. He felt a strong grip on his hand that was holding the knife. The hand was larger than his, rougher and far more callused.

"I'll be taking this."

The hand moved to grip the hilt of the knife. The blonde was still in slight shock, so it didn't take much for the larger hand to slide the knife from his weak grip. He heard a sigh of relief as Wilbur held a hand over his chest.

"Thank God, Techo."

Tommy leaned his head back to see familiar tusks and pink hair. He had fallen into his brother's chest. He could feel the soft rumbling that came from the man. It was deep and comforting. The initial shock began to wear off and a grin made its way to his face

"Big bro Blade, my hero."

Techno had rolled his eyes but didn't stop the affectionate rumbling

"What happened to not allowing babies to play with sharp objects?"

The blonde gasped, "You traitor! Big brother, more like bad brother?

"Does a bad brother stop you from accidentally stabbing yourself?"

"That was then, this is now."

Wilbur tutted and placed a hand on Tommy's shoulder to usher him back to the nest, "Seriously though, Tommy. You should be more careful, you are on your last life. I don't want anything happening to you."

Tommy rolled his eyes and bared his teeth, "Okay Dream." He spat.

Wilbur winced, the hand on his shoulder pulling away for a second, "Don't ever call me that, I'm not that green bastard."

As soon as he had said that, he seemed to regret it. The blue eyes glanced down and away from the other, "...I know, I'm sorry. You're not like him... he hurt me." He slightly shifted his head up, daring to look at his two older brothers, his blonde hair covering his eyes, "You wouldn't do that, right?"

It had been stated more as a question than anything. Unsure and timid. As if the boy still couldn't fully trust them, his own kin. As if he couldn't trust his older brother, the man who had protected him and raised him.

"No, of course not." The brunet stated as a matter of fact and continued to lead his brother to the nest. The nest was safe.

Techno huffed and followed them out, "None of us would do that."

Tommy felt far more reassured after the both of them answered. For a second he had thought that he made a mistake by unintentionally lashing out. For a split second he had assumed that Wilbur was going to hit him for it. That look of absolute hatred in his eyes when he had called him Dream. He wouldn't have complained if the man did punish him for it. He would have deserved it after all. Though after a closer inspection, he had noticed that none of that hatred or malice had been directed towards him. Not only that, but the two had even made sure to reassure him afterwards. Dream would have never done something like that. They were definitely not like Dream. Though a part of him missed the masked man, there was a lot of him that felt relieved that he was now with the safety of his own kin.

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