No, sir, they are for therapy.

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"Just eat more, you're so skinny."

Tommy groaned as a second bowl of soup was pushed in his direction. He had already eaten one bowl and he was far too full after finishing that one serving. Though their constant coddling was a little annoying, he did appreciate them. If it was one thing that Dream taught him it was to be grateful. It was just that he wasn't so used to all of the coddling and comforting touches because that wasn't really Dream's style. Dream would only usually give him this kind of attention if he had been good or done something to deserve it. He wasn't sure if he had done anything to deserve this amount of attention. Though he was enjoying it, it was a little overwhelming.

"But Phiiilll, I'm already so full, I can't eat anymore."

Phil's feathers bristled, "Fine fine, we can work on increasing your appetite."

Tommy grinned, "Can I go play with Tubbo now?"

Phil nodded, "Of course, mate. Tell Tubbo I said hi."

Tommy nodded and gave Phil a hug before racing out the door. He hadn't got to properly spend time with Tubbo for a while. He couldn't leave Tubbo to himself for that long, his friend was very clingy. He had to always be there for him, otherwise, he will be sad that he doesn't have anyone to cling to. That's right, Tubbo was the clingy one. He definitely wasn't running over to see his friend because he was the one who couldn't function well after being apart for so long. He was not the clingy one.

Tommy's eyes brightened when he saw the smaller boy. He grinned and spread his arms out. Tubbo was quick to jump into those arms, wrapping his arms tightly around the other's back. The blonde hissed and quickly pulled out of the hug. Tubbo looked up at him in worry, taking a step back to give his taller friend some more well-needed space. Tommy had lightly frowned at his own outburst. He didn't mean to frighten or worry his friend.

"Sorry about that, Tubbo... I don't like it when people suddenly touch my back like that without warning."

Tommy didn't really like it when his back was touched in general, but it was bearable if when the touch was expected, gentle, and from someone he trusts. Which was why he had allowed Phil, Wilbur, and Techno to touch his back earlier. There was that look of sadness that settled in Tubbo's eyes and it unsettled him. He didn't like being pitied.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry big man. I'll make sure to hug you slower next time."

Tommy wanted to get out of their current tone, "Anyways, what shall we be doing today, big man?"

Tubbo had grinned at that, "Want to get up to some mischief? We haven't caused some in a while. We could go raid Eret's castle and steal their things again?"

Tommy grinned at the thought but it soon dropped. Dream wouldn't be too happy if he stole from the king he put into power, "Um... maybe we could do that some other time?"

Tubbo frowned, Tommy never usually passed up on an opportunity to steal from Eret. Though Tommy's expression soon changed to a smile again.

"How about we mess around with Quackity and Jack? We could brew some potions and sell them."

Tubbo grinned, that was more like the Tommy he knew, "Druuuugs." He nodded and pulled out the pufferfish. He knew exactly what would cheer his friend up.

Tommy laughed, "No! Tubbo, put those away!"

Tommy continued to laugh as Tubbo ate the pufferfish and stumbled around, trying to gain his footing through the dizzy side effects it caused.

"But they're so therapeutic."

Tommy held onto Tubbo's shoulder to steady him as Tubbo passed him a pufferfish. The taller blonde snorted and took the fish, eating it as Tubbo chanted, 'One of us.' He laughed as the effects started to take over.

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