Chapter IV

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A/N: It's surprising how many more chapters it takes to fill an episode when the character you're writing about is a main character and not a recurring one.

Keira was making coffee in the kitchen the next morning. She had decided to make sure Nik did not kill the mother of his child, so she was listening in to everything that happened when he went up to Hayley's room.

He pulled something- maybe a jar, out of a bag.

"I didn't use it," Hayley said. Keira deduced it was the wolfsbane she had bought the kill the baby.

"You're awake," said Nik.

"I could barely sleep all night. This house is like a freaking swamp sauna," Hayley replied. Keira smiled and laughed quietly from downstairs.

"It appears we have ears on us," Nik said, hearing Keira from upstairs. "What stopped you? You could have been free of all of this... of me."

"Yeah, well... when I was fighting off those vampires, I – I realized I wasn't just protecting myself. Maybe it has to do with the fact that my birth parents gave me up, and my adopted parents kicked me out. All I know is push came to shove, and... I realized I wouldn't let anyone hurt it."

"I'm beginning to think we're a lot alike, you and I. We're both castoffs who have learned to fight when we're backed into a corner."

"Well, we're backed into a corner now."

"Ah, that we are. It's time to fight... little wolf."

Keira heard Nik put a hand on Hayley's shoulder, and realized Hayley was 19 at the most, almost 20, and she had to deal with the terror that is modern day New Orleans.

"This whole thing with Marcel – the deal you have with the witches, trying to take him down, take what's his – Rebekah told me that you two once loved each other like family. What happened?" Hayley asked as Nik began to leave her room.

"I made Marcel everything that he is. I treated him like a son. And when my father chased me and my family from New Orleans a hundred years ago, we believed Marcel was killed – we each mourned him, in our own way. Yet, when I returned, I found not only had he survived, he had thrived. Instead of seeking us out, instead of sticking together as one, he made a choice to take everything my family had built and make it his own. Now, he is living in our home, he is sleeping in our beds. That 'M' he stamps everywhere... it's not for 'Marcel'. It's for 'Mikaelson'. I want it all back, and if I have to push him out to get it, then that's exactly what I'll do. I'll have someone see to the air conditioning."

Nik walked downstairs and saw his youngest sister in the kitchen. Ignoring the awkward silence, she handed him a mug.

"Thank you," he said in a very awkward tone. They were silent for almost two minutes before one of them spoke again.

"Are we gonna get Elijah back?" Keira asked suddenly.

Nik sipped his coffee in silence. "Yes," he said quietly. "Eventually. No matter how long it takes, I promise we will get our big brother back."

Keira looked down, before walking over to the living room and pulling the stake out of it's hiding place. "Here," she said, handing it to him. "Look, I'm sorry for what I said last night, but you can't go giving our siblings away as peace offerings. And, you can't underestimate the lengths I will go to to protect my family, even if you are one of the members."

"I would expect nothing less. You always were your father's daughter," Nik said. Keira stared at him for a moment as if this was an insult. "Oh come on, I meant that as a compliment. Fine, ok? You are the cough very few cough good parts of your father."

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