Chapter XXXIV

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"I understand he risked his life to save his friend," Elijah told Hayley as Jackson the crescent werewolf left the balcony.

"Yes, he is. Elijah... there's something that I need to tell you. My family... wanted me..." Hayley sighed. "I was supposed to be betrothed to Jackson. I wanted to tell you sooner, I-I just didn't know how, it's this insane custody-"

"No, no, you don't have to explain it. I understand the need to make sacrifices for one's family."

"Come on, Elijah. For once in your immortal life, can you just not be so noble?"

"What would you have me do?"

"I just told you that I'm betrothed, according to some backwater arrangement by people that I never knew. Tell me that you think betrothals are stupid! Tell me that I have a choice-"

Elijah suddenly kissed Hayley passionately. They kissed for a long moment before he pulled away.

"You will always have a choice."

He kissed her again, before his little sister appeared at the entrance.

"Looks like you finally got the girl," she said, looking angry.

Elijah sighed, exasperated. "Why are you here?"

"Where's Niklaus?"


"So, let me get this straight. I let you finish whatever diabolical plans for global domination you want, and afterwards, you might cure Josh, no struggle?" Keira asked as she, Hayley, Elijah, Francesca, Klaus, and Genevieve all stood around a table. Klaus nodded.

"Tua virtuse. Materi lunare tua virtuse. Materi lunare tua," Genevieve chanted, her hands over the kyanite stones.

Francesca checked her phone. "My people say Marcel is on the move, and he's bringing friends."

Klaus turned to his sister. "Get Hayley to safety."

Keira nodded and grabbed Hayley's arm as Klaus sped away. "Come with me."

"No," Hayley gestured to Genevieve. "Someone needs to watch her."

"I will," Elijah said. "Hayley can stay with me."

Francesca turned to Keira. "You should help Klaus. My brothers and their security detail won't be much against a vampire army. I'll stay with Hayley and Elijah."

Hayley turned to her. "Go. And don't hold back."

Keira nodded, and sped away, unaware of the snapped necks, trickery, and passing out spells that would occur after she left.

She strolled into the courtyard, her hands in her pocket, where Francesca's brothers were pointing guns at the vampires surrounded Keira and Klaus on the balcony.

"I thought this lot had learnt their lesson!" Klaus smirked.

"Well, they're not exactly world renowned for their genius," Keira replied.

"So, where's the ringleader of this circus?" Klaus yelled up to the vampires. "Too afraid to show his face?"

Marcel appeared next to some of the vampires. "I'm here! And I'm gonna offer you one last chance to pack your stuff and get the hell out of my town."

"You'll allow your men to rush to their deaths? Again?" Klaus replied.

"Look around. Every vampire in the Quarter is coming out! They want their city back. No surrender this time. You're gonna have to kill us all."

"Can we start with Marcel?" Keira asked her big bro in a Rebekah like tone.

"Yeah, I think I'll start with you!" Klaus yelled up at Marcel.

"Fine. Then, come get me!" Marcel sped away.

"If you don't kill him, I will," Keira told her brother.

"You can handle these idiots?" he asked. She smirked.

"Of course."

"Well then, he's mine. This won't take long."

Klaus sped away, leaving his sister with the army surrounded her.

Keira extended her arms in the Mikaelson pose. "Gentleman," she smiled. "Shall we begin?"

The vampires jumped off the balcony.

"You're outnumbered," said Diego. "It's 200 on 1."

Keira smirked and tilted her head. "On the contrary, you should have brought more."

A few minutes later, when every vampire in the room either had their neck snapped, their arms ripped off, their hearts torn out, or their heads smacked off, Keira looked around.

"Well that was boringly underwhelming," she said. "Are we done?"

Diego lurked in the corner, injured, but braced for another fight, when Francesca and her brothers walked in.

"Well, nice job! Saved me the trouble of killing all these vampires myself!" she said. Keira looked at her, confused, before realizing-

The Correa's were not humans. 

Two triggered werewolves, each holding one of the kyanite stones, grabbed the Original by her arms and viciously bit her on each side of her neck as she screamed, before dropping her body.

Diego looked terrified. "RUN!!!" he yelled out to the remaining vampires.

Francesca looked around at her brothers. "Kill as many of them as you can."


As Keira opened her eyes and sat up, holding her neck in pain, she saw Marcel  running into the compound.

"No. No, no, no, no, no," Marcel said, distraught as he saw his vampires, which were either dead or had wolf bites on their necks, just like him, a bite he probably acquired from Klaus. "No, no, no, no, no!"

Keira stood up and Marcel glared at her.

"Your brother came here and bit them?!?" he yelled, angrily.

Keira let out a shaky breath and rubbed her forehead. "The Correa's. They're wolves. My brother didn't bit any of us, it was them."

Diego limped into the courtyard, looking pale. "Marcel. I'm sorry." Marcel went to hug him, but Diego stumbled, causing Marcel  to instead catch him before he hit the floor.

"Oh my god, Marcel! I've been trying to find someone, anyone!" Cami yelled, running into the compound as well. Then she saw everyone else. "What happened?"

Keira vamp-sped forwards and clutched her shoulders. "You need to leave. Soon, all these guys, possibly including me, will go blood crazy."

Cami examined the bites on everyone's necks. "We need to find Klaus. His blood will heal you guys."

Elijah suddenly ran down the stairs from Klaus's study in a rage. "MARCEL! WHERE IS SHE?" he bellowed, throwing a chair at the wall. Cami put herself between him and Marcel protectively. "Sister? What happened?!?!?"

"The Correa's," Keira replied.

"I know, I got my neck snapped," Elijah said. "Marcel!!! Where's Hayley?"

"He doesn't have her! Please! I know you don't trust him, but you know I wouldn't lie. He doesn't have her!" Cami said desperately. 

"Someone does."

"Where's Nik?" Keira asked.

"I left him in the street. He was gonna kill me. And then he got jacked up by some witch's spell," Marcel replied.

"Genevieve," Elijah said furiously. Then he turned to Keira. "Stay here," he ordered.

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