Keira led the witch, the vampire, and the human down to the garden. Tim looked scared at all of the desiccated vamps surrounding him, and Josh patted him on the back.
"Oh don't worry. They're not really dead, just really hungry... and I'm not helping," Josh said.
"You think my brother Nik is awful? Marcel learned from the best. This is how he treats his so-called friends who betray him. Most of what these poor souls did is no worse than what Josh did. Take Thierry, for example. He was Marcel's most trusted friend. Klaus tricked him into breaking one of Marcel's rules. Marcel knows this, and yet he keeps Thierry locked in here day after day, suffering," Keira said.
"This is insane," Tim told her.
"Love, I've been alive for a thousand years. You haven't seen insane."
"Why are you telling me this?" Davina asked.
"Because you need to know who you're dealing with, who you can trust," the Original replied.
Davina looked down and Tim put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, hey, it's gonna be okay. I mean, you're gonna be all right. Here. Drink something," Tim pulled out a bottle of water and gave it to Davina, who drank it.
"Davina, you, me, and Rebekah, have all been lied to and/or used by Marcel and/or Klaus. Maybe together, we can get a little payback," Keira said. Suddenly, Tim started coughing and fell to the floor.
"Tim?" Davina asked, worried.
"I-it was Klaus. He made me do it. I didn't even know what I was doing until I made you-" Tim began to cough up blood.
"Made her what?" Josh asked.
"Drink," Tim choked.
"Tim?" Davina asked again.
Keira picked up the bottle and sniffed it. "My brother. Klaus poisoned the water," she said, horrified. Davina began to cough too and fell to the ground.
"Davina? Oh, no," Josh knelt beside her.
"Josh, give them blood," Keira said as her phone rang. "Nik, what the hell do you want?"
"Keira, where are you?" Klaus asked over the phone.
"I'm with Davina, and she's dying because of your treachery," Keira replied. Davina began to cough up her blood and Josh's as well.
"Well, I tried to talk to her, out of respect for Marcel, but she made it quite clear she is not our friend. My apologies if you thought she was yours," Klaus replied.
"She's not an object, Klaus. She's allowed to make her own decisions, unlike some of us. Just tell me how to cure her. Vampire blood isn't working."
"No. It wouldn't. You see, the poison I compelled Timothy to feed her is quite potent. It's just a matter of time for her."
"For both of them, you diabolical bastard! They're children! You could've dealt with her fairly!"
"There is no dealing with those who threaten us. Davina sealed her fate when she stood against me. This was her choice, not mine," Klaus said, hanging up. Keira and Josh watched Tim and Davina die, and Josh started crying.
A few minutes later, Klaus called Keira again.
"Davina's going to be fine, little sister, so you can stop throwing a tantrum now," he said.
"Rot in hell," Keira said as she hung up and Davina woke up. "Protection spell. Guess Marcel's still on your side.
Davina shook Tim's corpse. "Tim? Tim? Tim, Tim, wake up. Tim, please wake up. Open your eyes. No, no. Please wake up. Please don't leave me alone!" she said desperately.
"Davina," Josh said. "He's dead."
"No, no no no!" Davina said. Keira looked at her sadly.
Later on, when Davina had fallen asleep, the two vampires brought her back to the compound.
Marcel rushed towards Josh, who held Davina. "Is she ok?" he asked Keira.
"She's devastated and exhausted. Where's her room?" she asked. Marcel shook his head and held out his arms.
"No. I got her. I got her," Marcel took Davina from Josh and walked away.
Keira: (voiceover) "It is said that this is a man's world, and sometimes it is. For every Casket Girl that was saved, countless others were not. But women are more resilient than given credit for. And some women, well... let's just say their oppressors had better watch out."
Later in the garden, Keira talked to Thierry.
"I, too, am resilient, and I'm tired of being oppressed. For one thousand years, my brother has taken what he wants in whatever way he wants, regardless of the consequences. Marcel seems determined to allow it, and Elijah stands right by his side, futilely awaiting the day that he'll change," she told him.
"So, men suck. What do you want me to do about it?" Thierry replied.
"Despite your dire warnings to Marcel, he just can't seem to quit my brother. The two of them stand side by side ruling this city whilst you're left in here to rot. I want you to help me and Rebekah take New Orleans right out from under all of their noses, and I have something they won't see coming. Someone on the inside. She's quite the resilient girl herself," Keira said. She smiled, thinking of Davina. A moment later, Thierry smiled as well. "I'll get you our of here one day. I'm sorry I got you in here in the first place, I compelled that vampire to feed on Katie so you'd kill him. I was following my brother's orders, but that is no more. From now on, Niklaus Mikaelson is not in charge. We are."
The next day, Keira was simply minding her own business, talking with Rebekah while feeding, when the entire French Quarter began shaking."What the hell is going on?" Keira asked Klaus.
"Davina," he said grimly. Keira vanished, and reappeared in Davina's room. Inside, Davina was laying on the bed, looking weak.
"Hey," Keira said. "What kind of game do you think you're playing? I said disrupt the household, not destroy the whole city."
"I didn't do it. Not on purpose. I-- I don't know what's wrong with me!" Davina said, before vomiting dirt. Keira sat by her bed.
"I think I know what's happening... you're not gonna like it," she said. "It's because the Harvest was not completed. From what I've found out, each Harvest witch represented an element, and when they were killed, their power flowed through the next witch. When the Harvest is over, it's supposed to flow back into the earth, but the Harvest was never finished. Abigail, the first witch killed, was the witch of earth. That's why you're coughing up dirt and making earthquakes. Cassie, the second witch, was the witch of air. So next, you'll be making hurricanes or tornadoes. Monique Deveraux would have been the witch of water... so I guess New Orleans's will flood. And you... that makes you the Harvest witch of... oh shit."
"I am not the witch of shit!" Davina said.
"You're the witch of fire. Which means, if the Harvest is not completed soon, New Orleans will burn, and the people along with it."

The Other Mikaelson- Book 2
FanfictionA thousand years ago, a powerful Witch named Esther, and her viking husband Mikael, moved to a supernatural village full of werewolves. Having lost another one of their eight children, they then turned the remainders into vampires. Now, a thousan...