Rebekah, having arrived since Keira told her about Genevieve, came into the house on the phone.
"So help me God, Marcel, if you don't call me back with an update, I will kill you myself," she said, hanging up. As Keira walked in, a shirtless blonde man walked in. Rebekah noticed the crescent mark on his right back shoulder. "Oh. I beg your pardon. I was expecting someone... furrier," Rebekah told him.
"You're two of them, aren't you," he replied. "The Originals?"
"Yes. You might want to say that with some more respect. I suppose you'll be wanting Hayley."
"Or I could just talk to you. I'm Oliver. I didn't catch your name."
"I'm Rebekah. Hayley, the party's here!"
After Hayley came out, Rebekah and Oliver went off into the woods, probably to sleep together based off normal Rebekah behavior. Keira went out into the quarter, bored, to the bar.
Strangely, the bar was empty except for about three other people at the bar.
Keira ignored them and ordered a shot of tequila. Then someone else, a middle aged auburn haired woman sat next to her. Keira looked at her.
"Bastianna Natale," she said. "Great. What do you want?"
"Well, I thought you should know, you're family is in a bit of trouble."
Keira paused. "What?!?"
"Well, Elijah's fine. But, the plantation house is burning down... with Hayley inside, I might add. Niklaus has Papa Tunde's blade inside his chest. Rebekah is surrounded by werewolves. And you..."
Keira grabbed the witch by her neck and pushed her against the table. "What do you want with my family!?!?"
"We're on orders from Celeste Dubois... she's possessing Sabine, by the way. And we are showing Elijah that... always, is not forever. He must make a choice- save Hayley, save Klaus, save Rebekah, or save you."
Bastianna thrust out her open hand, and Keira let her go immediately. Her veins started burning, and she fell to her knees.
"What are you doing?!?" she exclaimed.
"I temporarily turned your blood to vervain. Painful, isn't it? Don't worry, we're only trying to drive your three other siblings apart. For now."
Then Keira passed out.
She woke up in one of the rooms in the compound, Josh standing beside her.
"What the hell happened?" she asked.
"Some witch daggered you. Don't worry, it's only been a few hours," Josh replied. "Klaus and Rebekah are still missing. From what I've been hearing, Marcel is talking about your father."
Keira panicked. "What?!? My father? Mikael? What is he saying? Josh!!!!"
"What's so bad about it," Josh asked.
"If Klaus finds out, he will kill Rebekah," Keira muttered. Without answering Josh, she sped down into the courtyard.
"For the better part of a century, I have wondered how Father found us, what foolish mistake that we had made to destroy our time in the one place that we could finally call home. Did you know, I even blamed myself for a time, Marcellus?" Elijah said angrily. Marcel looked slightly guilty.
"Elijah-" Hayley started. Keira guessed he must have chosen to save Hayley.
"Niklaus treated you like a son," Elijah ignored her.
"Rebekah. I loved her. I still love her. All we ever wanted was to be together, but as long as Klaus was around, that was never gonna happen. But hey, I guess you wouldn't know anything about that, huh?"
"When Klaus learns the truth, there will be no end to his rage. I will not let my sister suffer that wrath."
"Then we need to get to them before he learns the truth."
Elijah noticed his other sister. "Hello, sister. Did you know about this secret?" Keira wouldn't meet his eyes. "I see. We must go."
At the sanitarium, Elijah, Marcel, and Keira entered, and Elijah looked around.
"We should divide the building. I'll start here. Marcel, go to the other side. Sister, take the basement," he said. The two nodded and sped off.
Keira heard Klaus in the basement.
"Nik. Nik, it isn't true," she said, panicked. She looked terrible, with werewolf bites all over her arms and neck.
"I want to believe you, sister. But your face tells a different story," Klaus said, furious. Rebekah looked afraid and sped away as Keira tried to find them. "You cannot hide from me, Rebekah! Nor can you run. This ends now!"
Minutes later, the basement being so big none of the three had found each other yet, the silence broke again, when Klaus found Rebekah again.
"Rebekah! Tired of running?" he exclaimed.
"I know how much you enjoy the chase. I'd sooner deny you the pleasure," Rebekah said with a terrified expression.
Klaus held up Tunde's blade. "Well, then I'll take my pleasures in other ways. No more 'daggered in a box' for you. Trust me, sister, you'll long for what the dagger offered. This will be far less merciful. How to describe exactly what this blade does?"
"You don't have to do this, Nik."
"After I plunge this into your heart, you will be immobilized, imprisoned in a state of raw, inescapable anguish. Time loses all meaning. It's not unlike a living hell, which I find rather fitting, given your treachery."
"Then do it. If that's what you really want."
"Are we skipping the part where you beg for mercy? For forgiveness? Because I was really looking forward to that."
"I'll pass. I know better than to think it would do me any good."
"That's it, then? You concede? Like a lamb to the slaughter. What would your father think of you now?"
Rebekah lunged towards him, but he threw her back. Then she grabbed a metal pipe and hit him repeatedly with it, before he threw her back again. Then Marcel appeared and hit him.
"Just the man I wanted to see," Klaus said, throwing Marcel back as well. "Rebekah's punishment won't be complete until she watches you die."
"Nik, it was my idea to summon Mikael. If you're gonna hurt anyone, it should be me!" Rebekah said desperately. Keira began catching up to her siblings.
"Such loyalty to your beloved. You know, if you had offered me even a fraction of the same, I wouldn't have to do this," Klaus replied. He was about to stab her in the chest with it, raising the blade.
Then his other sister unexpectedly arrived into the room, grabbed the blade quickly, and jammed it into Klaus's heart instead, causing him to yell in pain.
"I am so sorry, brother. Please know that," Keira said, catching his immobilized body. Then she turned to Rebekah and Marcel. "Go. Both of you. Run as far and as fast as you can. Run!"
As the two left, Elijah came down as well, their brother with a blade inside his chest, in immeasurable pain.

The Other Mikaelson- Book 2
FanfictionA thousand years ago, a powerful Witch named Esther, and her viking husband Mikael, moved to a supernatural village full of werewolves. Having lost another one of their eight children, they then turned the remainders into vampires. Now, a thousan...