The next day, Hayley was flipping through a book on the couch while talking with the witch Agnes and Rebekah was sitting at the kitchen island, typing on her laptop when Keira came down the stairs.
"I told you Agnes, I feel great!" Hayley said.
"You are overdue for a checkup," Agnes replied.
"What am I gonna do? Pop into the Quarter for a quick ultrasound? A pregnant werewolf escorted by a witch? Nothing to see here!" Hayley said in a sarcastic tone.
"Don't forget your four Original vampire bodyguards," Keira muttered. Hayley scoffed and looked at her, as if saying 'see?'
Rebekah looked up from her laptop with a mildly jealous face. "A lot of women would kill to have a child. It strikes me as odd that you're not taking better care of yours."
"I know a doctor out in the Bayou, off the beaten path. Now, I took the liberty of making an appointment for you. Tonight, after-hours, just us. Vampires will never get word of it," Agnes said, ignoring Rebekah.
Hayley thought for a moment before rolling her eyes. "Okay, fine. Bayou-baby-doctor it is."
Hayley and Agnes left the room together, and Keira let herself fall on Hayley's spot on the couch as Nik walked in as well. When he saw what Rebekah was doing, he laughed.
"Please, sister, tell me you're not still at it with the internet search. How does one begin, anyway? Just type in 'anonymous attic'?" he said, pouring himself scotch.
"Someone has to find Elijah, even if I have to search every bloody attic in New Orleans," Rebekah replied.
"Like looking for a needle in a rather large pile of needles."
"I remember details about the attic Marcel took me to. There were shutters on the windows behind Elijah's coffin," Rebekah said. Keira sat up.
"Great. That totally narrows the search down from a thousand possible attics to nine hundred ninety-nine possible attics," she said with a sarcastic smile.
"Myself, I prefer actual strategy as opposed to mind-numbing labor. Marcel's delay in returning our brother makes me suspect he's no longer in charge of the situation. If Davina's loyalty to Marcel is strained, perhaps the young witch will be open to discussing a new alliance," Nik said, smiling.
Rebekah smiled as well, although more bitter than the others. "As usual, your power grabs are more important than rescuing your brother."
"I prefer to think of it as killing two birds with one stone. Rob Marcel of his secret weapon, bring our brother home," Nik said, sipping her drink.
"You had me at the word 'killing'," Keira said. "I'm bored, see you later."
"Where are you going?"
A few snatch eat erase examples later, Keira had a weird instinct and walked into St. Anne's Church, finding a priest cleaning the place. He looked up at the sound of footsteps, but went back to sweeping upon seeing the original in front of him.
"Church is closed. If you want your horror fix, go take a ghost tour," he said.
"I don't much care for ghosts. However, my sister appears to currently be obsessed with window shutters. No idea why. She's been busy, and being the bossy older sister she is, has been making me tour the city all day for... nice ones. I noticed the windows of your attic have shutters," Keira lied.
"Is she really interested in shutters?" asked the priest.
"I can rest assured it's her current life obsession," Keira said with a fake smile. "What's your name?"

The Other Mikaelson- Book 2
FanfictionA thousand years ago, a powerful Witch named Esther, and her viking husband Mikael, moved to a supernatural village full of werewolves. Having lost another one of their eight children, they then turned the remainders into vampires. Now, a thousan...